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Posts posted by armada92

  1. I might be able to do this for a future release, if I ever get time to work on it again.

    IR-GTS doesn't like file paths that have special characters in them, notably accented letters (like the ö in your attached image). Sorry, it's not particularly international-friendly. To fix this, you should be able to either move the files to a path that doesn't have characters like that, or change the ö to an o.

    What's your OS?

    My OS is Windows Vista x64

  2. I'm going to start fulfilling people's requests for pokemon, but I just wanted to say a few things real quick.

    1. If your ar is broken, go here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14266-IR-GTS-BW-Release . You can use this to transfer Pokegen'd pokemon straight to your Pokemon game without any external hardware.

    2. If you are going to use your pokemon online, you cannot give a dream world ability to an unreleased pokemon (all gen v pokemon until further notice). Also, sky drop results in an illegal pokemon. If you are just going to play through the story, it doesn't matter.

  3. How would I find my secret ID on Black/White? I have a retail cart so I can't check the .sav file or anything (without buying hardware)? Is there a way I can find it without using any external equipment?


  4. Hi guys,

    I'm new here. I'm here mainly to learn more about the mechanics about Pokemon and get some help for some of my problems. If I wanted to request the help of someone to help me find out my secret id, where would I request that?


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