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Posts posted by kaharo_toru

  1. well men YOURE PKM CROBAT IS VERY HACK than all because the attacks is..: Heat Wave, Air slash, Sludge bomb and Super fang... and youre HACK crobat said: Heat wave, Air slash, SUPER FANG and SLUDGE BOMB... this is a very hacked one....

    Wait nigoli...He contribute to US...THE MASTER NIGOLI!

    Well about the moves position, i only see it on bulbapedia, but bulbapedia also has mistakes in other moves position, so im no surprised if the move position of crobat is wrong.

    If someone have the official move position, pass the link to be sure about that.

  2. you put all the 15 pokemons on one code???

    Because i had the same problem, i introduced 10 pokemons on one code, and two things happened:

    1.- The code didn´t work

    2.-My game got freeze

    I solved my problem to put only 6 pokemons on a code. and works fine.

    I hope this information help you

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