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Posts posted by thestevesknees

  1. Hey guys, finding out about this hack got me to try out an emulator for the first time and I really love the new shadow pokemon and difficulty changes. That being said I noticed a bug in Phenac city where the Red power ranger didn't drop a battle cd after I beat him (CD 19), though the rest of them did. I checked someones playthrough and the cd was there on that one, so maybe its just with the new patch? It might be unobtainable for me at this point but I don't really mind since it doesn't interfere with the storyline.

    Also the main reason for this post is to ask if there's a way to go back to where you were if the game crashes, I had the game crash after I traded a chansey to duking (luckily I saved before), and also it crashed after battling the guy in front of the Phenac city poke-mart, so is there a way to keep unsaved gameplay if it were to crash again in the future?

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