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Posts posted by KenniRaine

  1. Both these things occur attempting to edit my USUM game;

    1. Map coordinate editing no longer works. "Current Map" is always set to "1" no matter where my character actually is, and attempting to change it to cords I know to be valid results in a black screen when loading the save file.

    2. Strange box behavior; if I do anything in PKHex, I get an extra "box" in the game called "Team 1" which shows copies of my party pokemon, attempting to view any pokemon in the box causes a game freeze.

  2. Is it possible or can it be possible in the future to only give yourself legal clothing bought from stores and community center only, but not extra things you have to earn like the pikachu outfit, skull tank or agency sunglasses that you can't normally get without doing certain things. That way I can save money buying clothes, but when I do those other things it feels less like I did it for nothing. As it is now, with all legal things unlocked, I can still do things like buy the skull tank or answer the pikachu quiz, and it still acts like it's given me the item even though I already had it.

  3. Would it be possible to have an option to give all legal clothing bought from stores only, but not extra things you have to earn like the pikachu outfit, skull tank or agency sunglasses that you can't normally get without doing certain things. That way I can save money buying clothes, but when I do those other things it feels less like I did it for nothing.

  4. So I noticed this new feature in the update notes. " - Added: US/UM Starter Encryption Constant editing (for Pokemon League cutscene) in HoF editor."
    My question is, does this work on non-alolan starters or non-starters? Does every pokemon still have their own overworld model, and would that model show in such a cutscene? Would the text change at all? If I changed the EC in the HoF to be a non-aolan starter pokemon, would the game just glitch out or something?

    If someone has a save that's right before the pokemon league, maybe I could experiment with it and see what happens...

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