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Rain Goddess Juvia

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Posts posted by Rain Goddess Juvia

  1. So i've never had any trouble in the past, and by past i mean probably 6-9 months ago, with PKHeXing my saved pokemon on both of these games, however, i recently downloaded them again, and the save files tell me that the pokemon that i made are on the game, yet the game won't read them or let me access them, and then when i reload pkhex and that save file to see if it didn't work, the pokemon i made are there, so i'm really confused, and sad because i really wanna play Pokemon Battle Revolution but i can't without PKHeXs help :(

  2. Hey project team! I recently downloaded Pokemon battle revolution and pokemon XD gales of darkness again on my computer, and i've had no trouble in the past using Pkhex to edit my saved pokemon on those games, however, now for some reason, the saved pokemon are there for battle revolution, yet i have no access to my storage pokemon as i did last time when using it? its unable to read my XD save file after extracting it and loading it pkhex if i could have some help with this madder would be much appreciated. thank you, UPDATE: XD Does read and everything, and is now like the same problem as revolution, pkhex reads that the pokemon are there on the save, but game says otherwise when i load it and play it

  3. I need help :( I've renamed my PKHeX too PKHaX to use illegal mode, but every time i go to load the app up on the computer, i don't get the prompt that i'm using illegal mode and no illegal features works. Also The window Tab is still called PKHeX when it has never done this too me in the past! I using version 17.09.22. 

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