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  1. thanks so much for the help I was wondering why this was happening
  2. Thanks for the response, maybe it only flags as illegal when I have it as bred, I'm not sure. Either way, here's the file so you can have a look at it if you wish 143 - Snorlax - EB79C5CF8336.pk7
  3. Hi guys, I was trying to create a Snorlax with recycle in PkHex. To my knowledge this is a legal combination and I do not need it as a relearn move, however I am told by the software this an invalid move. When I put it as a relearn move I am presented with the error "Invalid relearn move 2: Snorlax inherited move. Incompatible with Munchlax inherited moves". I have not had this problem with previous versions of the software, please can this be fixed in the next version? Thank you for reading
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