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Posts posted by nauyiep


    17 hours ago, nauyiep said:

    Hi Tundraviolet,

     So I have been testing with the trainer class swaps and so far almost all swaps work, but I just recently found one that does not -- Nanu. 

    His trainer class is "Island Kahuna 050" and "Island Kahuna 141". When I try to change a trainer into him, the game crashes. I tried using both trainer class tags and no luck, it's kinda weird because the other 3 kahunas worked perfectly without issues. I once encountered the same problem when trying to sub Mina in, but thankfully she has two tags and the second tag "Captain - 153" works correctly. 

    I'm not sure what is causing the issue that Nanu crashes the game when subbing, if you got time to spare would you mind verifying this issue? I know the trainer class garc file for USUM is 1/0/5 but I have no idea how to edit them....

    thanks a lot!!

    Nvm I fixed it by editing some digits in the hex editor for the 1/0/5 garc file... GF didn't fix their mistake seems like


  2. 19 hours ago, Tundraviolet said:

    Ah! I see. Yup thanks so much for checking that for me :) I'm also glad you made it through my tutorial with no problems. Glad to help you out and have fun with the hacks!

    Hi Tundraviolet,

     So I have been testing with the trainer class swaps and so far almost all swaps work, but I just recently found one that does not -- Nanu. 

    His trainer class is "Island Kahuna 050" and "Island Kahuna 141". When I try to change a trainer into him, the game crashes. I tried using both trainer class tags and no luck, it's kinda weird because the other 3 kahunas worked perfectly without issues. I once encountered the same problem when trying to sub Mina in, but thankfully she has two tags and the second tag "Captain - 153" works correctly. 

    I'm not sure what is causing the issue that Nanu crashes the game when subbing, if you got time to spare would you mind verifying this issue? I know the trainer class garc file for USUM is 1/0/5 but I have no idea how to edit them....

    thanks a lot!!

  3. Hello there! 

    I just wanna report that the method you posted completely worked and it won't cause conflicts in other trainers! I already replaced most battle tree/agency trainers with notable trainers like the elite four and the captains, also team rainbow rocket members xD

    What's even better is that you don't need to change lines for replacement trainers in battle agency because they don't even talk when spawned and it will only show the category and the name of the trainers! For battle tree yeah it's gonna be required to change the lines of them as well haha

  4. 9 hours ago, Tundraviolet said:

    Hi! So this will be a long tutorial hope you understand it all :)

    To scout your version exclusive trainers there's a video about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE7ZkmfV8PY&t=496s

    You don't need any hacks but make sure to follow the instructions displayed in the video for a successful scout. About the adding different characters that are not scoutable in your version.

    Make sure you have a backup of the GARC someplace else than the one pk3ds opens in case things go wrong.

    Use pk3ds (make sure you have the latest version), go to the royal battle/battle tree editor and pick battle tree by pressing no. You will see the pokemon you can add or delete. You can also edit the existing pokemon. By what I red I think you already know to do that. You will notice that on the top left side there's the trainer info and that's what you will need to change. You can change any trainer but for the pokemon ultra I recommend changing either Rada or Lillie (since they both easy to obtain). For Lillie you need to talk to her post game and let her know you want her in the battle tree, as for Rada she's there from the beginning. I for example changed Lillie because she had less pokemon to edit than Rada but you pick the best. So we're at the battle tree menu all you got to do to change the model is select a different Class. Really is that easy! Faba for example is aether branch chief. Changing Lillie class to the branch chief changes Lillie with Faba. But it's not over of course. If you only do this modification Faba will be called Lillie. So it will be shown in the game as aether branch chief lillie lol XD and you do not want that so the next step is to change the name.

    Go out of the battle tree and go to game text. Do not change anything yet! First export the vanilla txt. by export .txt on the top. Now open the text that was created in the folder you placed it. Search for the trainer name you will replace (rada or lillie). In here you're searching for a line of text that only shows her name like "Lillie". For Lillie for example there's more than one line like that but I found that the Lillie under the 104 group is the one to change. You can open text editor, go edit and locate the word to see how many do appear.

    So after finding the name of the trainer, go to the game text editor again. In Lillie case go on text file select 104, if you want to change another trainer you will have to find it yourself but if you're having problems I can help here. In the text file you selected (in my case 104) search for your trainer name. When you find it is very simple, click on it and change it to the name you want. Done!

    The next step is changing Lillie introduction text to something to your character liking. Is the same process as changing the name but on another text file. I haven't work on that yet but I imagine it should be on game text too. See what lillie says at the battle tree and then try to find that on the vanilla .txt so is easier to locate.

    And done! I think there's nothing else that needs changing from what I tested but let me know if you find problems. Ok! You're done with pk3ds now the next step is making it open on game using luma. Go to the pk3ds folder, backup, (pokemon game name), a. You will find there the location of the garc files. You changed the following files gametext(a032) and (a281, a282,a283,284). Go get the edited garc files at the folders. Just follow what the backup pk3ds tells you.

    Ok once you got them all supposing you have luma go to the sd card. Go to the following folders or create if you don't have them. Luma-titles- folder with titleID (put here the titleid of your game, let me know if you can't find it online) - romfs - a - (then the rest is the path indicated depending on the file). In case of the game text is a (folder) - 0 (folder) - 3 (folder) - 2 (garc file).

    Put your sd card on the 3ds. Hit select before turning on the 3ds. You're now on the luma3ds configuration menu. Go with the arrows to enable game patching and click A on it. A cross should appear letting you know is activated. Select start to save and the console will start. Now you test it! If you done everything right should work like I showed in the video but if not let me know to see if I can help. :) Hope I was helpful


    Thank you so much for such a thorough guide!! I’ll definitely try it and let you know if it works :) thanks again!!!

  5. 2 hours ago, PokeMaster99999 said:

    I double-checked, and...I had.

    Just to be sure, I re-opened pk3DS, checked to see if my changes were still present in the .code.bin (they were), went to my US Dump folder, copied the .code.bin to my miniSD card (New 3DS XL user) - specifically luma/titles/00040000001B5000/exefs, and renamed it to code.bin (more accurately "code", because my system tends to selectively hide suffixes - for example, it hides .ips, .bin and .txt but not .3dsx or .firm, for whatever reason). I had also previously tried renaming it to "code.bin", but that didn't work either.

    I have also previously installed UltraSuMoFramework (the best USUM cheat menu I've seen - got it from GBATemp, but didn't save the link) and three IPS patches from http://ftp.gbatemp.net/threads/usum-ips-patches.488802/ (specifically Shiny Lock Removal, mega-evolvED, and Bypass Mega Check).

    Yet, when I go back in-game, TM45 is still Attract and still teaches Attract (I had thought the edit only changed what was being taught when the TM is applied to a Pokémon, but nope), Shiny chances are still normal, and Steel takes regular damage from Ghost and Dark.

    What am I doing wrong?

    No exefs folder needed, just paste it directly in the title Id folder

  6. 1 hour ago, PokeMaster99999 said:

    How do you import an edited exeFS?

    I've set the Shiny rate to be ~19.96%, changed Steel to resist Ghost and Dark (Game Freak should never have changed that...), and changed Attract TM to Swift, yet I can't get those changes to occur in-game.

    When it comes to the romfs/a contents and shop.cro, you just replace the file with the edited one; yet when I copy the .code.bin file to the exefs folder, nothing happens in-game. When I rebuild the exeFS using PK3DS (into a .bin), and I drag exefs.bin into the exefs folder, nothing happens either.

    Am I doing something wrong, or...?

    you need to rename .code.bin back to code.bin

  7. Hi Tundraviolet, it would be awesome if you could instruct me regarding how to scout version exclusive battle tree trainers or how to make them appear in opposite games! I've been using pk3ds but I haven't found a way to add or replace trainers, I can only edit their teams in the maison editor.

    Another interesting find is that using the latest pkhex, I managed to edit the next 3 trainers in the battle agency editor and make the notable trainers appear in that facility. So I'm wondering if it would also be possible to make them appear as bosses.

    Thanks a lot in advance!!:)

  8. 8 hours ago, Tundraviolet said:

    Hi! Thank you for showing interest in this. I did this a long ago for sun/moon game since then pk3ds has evolved and tools like hans don't work anymore. With the release with ultra sun/moon adding Faba and more to the battle tree companions choices brought to me interest in this again. The method to do this thanks to the pk3ds became much easier. To do this now you only need pk3ds and luma patch.You need to edit some stuff in different topics of pk3ds that if you want me to specify let me know. Depending on the game you want to edit those specifics change. If you are interested in editing sun/moon ask me on this topic. If you want to know for the ultra games I will post a new topic about it so maybe it's best to ask there :) Thank you

    I moved my reply to your other topic :)

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