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Posts posted by thedragonslayr

  1. I'm trying to randomize a Pokemon x cia.

    I moved it onto my SD card and decrypted it with godmode9 then I extracted it with HackingToolkit3DS When I tried to randomize wild encounters but it gave me this

    Could not get the GARC:

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at pk3ds.Garcutil.garcUnpack(String garrcPath, String outPath, Boolean skipDecompression, ProgressBar pBar1, Label label, Boolean supress, Boolean bypassExt) in C:\BuildAgent\work\b93f10d1a1178\pk3DS\GarcUtil.cs:line 104 at pk3DS.Main.getGarc(String infile, String outfolder, boolean PB, Boolean bypassExt) in C:\BuildAgent\work\b93f10d1a1178\pk3DS\Main.cs:line 1175

    After I press okay it still lets me randomize that part, so I did. I randomize Pokemon types as well and I recompile the CIA Then I encrypt it with GodMode9 and install the CIA with FBI.

    when I load the game I get an error saying something like prefetch abort and I won't run until I update it. Once I do the encounters haven't been randomized but the typing has.

    I've tried multiple times but I'm tied to compiling and encrypting and installing over and over. I've already spent ten hours on this and most of it was waiting.

    I have Luma3ds8.0

    What am I doing wrong? I've tried multiple sources of the CIA I've reinstalled everything at least twice.

    Could someone help me?

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