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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Landorus (Therian) Category N/A Types Ability Intimidate Description Its body is a magnetic stone. Iron sand attaches firmly to the portions of its body that are particularly magnetic. Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 68 kg (149.9 lbs.) Gender All Male Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 90 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 89 0 Attack 145 3 Defense 90 0 Sp. Attack 105 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 91 0 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Landorus Evolution Chain Target Method   Landorus (Therian) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Outrage 1 Hammer Arm 1 Fissure 1 Block 1 Mud Shot 1 Rock Tomb 1 Imprison 7 Punishment 13 Bulldoze 19 Rock Throw 25 Extrasensory 31 Swords Dance 37 Earth Power 43 Rock Slide 49 Earthquake 55 Sandstorm 61 Fissure 67 Stone Edge 73 Hammer Arm 79 Outrage Moves (TM) Move Calm Mind Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Smack Down Earthquake Return Psychic Brick Break Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Focus Blast Fling Brutal Swing Explosion Payback Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Swords Dance Fly Bulldoze Rock Slide Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Thundurus (Therian) Category N/A Types Ability Volt Absorb Description As a result of Mega Evolution, its power has been entirely converted into psychic energy, and it has lost all strength in its muscles. Height 3 m (9'10") Weight 61 kg (134.5 lbs.) Gender All Male Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 90 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 261 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 79 0 Attack 105 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 145 3 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 101 0 BST 580 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Thundurus Evolution Chain Target Method   Thundurus (Therian) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Thrash 1 Hammer Arm 1 Nasty Plot 1 Uproar 1 Astonish 1 Thunder Shock 1 Swagger 7 Bite 13 Revenge 19 Shock Wave 25 Heal Block 31 Agility 37 Discharge 43 Crunch 49 Charge 55 Nasty Plot 61 Thunder 67 Dark Pulse 73 Hammer Arm 79 Thrash Moves (TM) Move Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Smack Down Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Brick Break Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Fling Charge Beam Sky Drop Brutal Swing Embargo Payback Giga Impact Volt Switch Thunder Wave Fly Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Flash Cannon Wild Charge Dark Pulse Confide
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Tornadus (Therian) Category N/A Type Ability Regenerator Description Its round face and smooth coat—softer than the most high-class velvet—have made this a very popular Pokémon in Alola. Height 1.4 m (4'7") Weight 63 kg (138.9 lbs.) Gender All Male Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 90 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 261 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 79 0 Attack 100 0 Defense 80 0 Sp. Attack 110 0 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 121 3 BST 580 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Tornadus Evolution Chain Target Method   Tornadus (Therian) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Thrash 1 Hammer Arm 1 Hurricane 1 Uproar 1 Astonish 1 Gust 1 Swagger 7 Bite 13 Revenge 19 Air Cutter 25 Extrasensory 31 Agility 37 Air Slash 43 Crunch 49 Tailwind 55 Rain Dance 61 Hurricane 67 Dark Pulse 73 Hammer Arm 79 Thrash Moves (TM) Move Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Smack Down Return Psychic Brick Break Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Fling Sky Drop Brutal Swing Acrobatics Embargo Payback Giga Impact Fly Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Keldeo (Resolute) Category N/A Types Ability Justified Description This Pokémon was not originally found in Alola. Human actions caused a surge in their numbers, and they went feral. They’re prideful and crafty. Height 1.4 m (4'7") Weight 48.5 kg (106.9 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 80 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Yellow Base Exp 261 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 91 0 Attack 72 0 Defense 90 0 Sp. Attack 129 3 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 108 0 BST 580 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Keldeo Evolution Chain Target Method   Keldeo (Resolute) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Aqua Jet 1 Leer 1 Double Kick 1 Bubble Beam 7 Double Kick 13 Bubble Beam 19 Take Down 25 Helping Hand 31 Retaliate 37 Aqua Tail 43 Sacred Sword 49 Swords Dance 55 Quick Guard 61 Work Up 67 Hydro Pump 73 Close Combat Moves (TM) Move Work Up Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Reflect Aerial Ace Facade Rest Round Focus Blast False Swipe Scald Giga Impact Stone Edge Swords Dance Psych Up X-Scissor Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Confide
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Kyurem (Black) Category N/A Types Ability Teravolt Description Its shining gold hair provides it with protection. It’s reputed that keeping any of its fallen hairs will bring bad luck. Height 3.3 m (10'10") Weight 325 kg (716.5 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 315 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 125 0 Attack 170 3 Defense 100 0 Sp. Attack 120 0 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 95 0 BST 700 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Kyurem Evolution Chain Target Method   Kyurem (Black) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Icy Wind 1 Dragon Rage 8 Imprison 15 Ancient Power 22 Ice Beam 29 Dragon Breath 36 Slash 43 Fusion Bolt 50 Freeze Shock 57 Dragon Pulse 64 Imprison 71 Endeavor 78 Blizzard 85 Outrage 92 Hyper Voice Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Roost Safeguard Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Focus Blast Fling Brutal Swing Shadow Claw Payback Giga Impact Stone Edge Fly Rock Slide Dragon Tail Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Kyurem (White) Category N/A Types Ability Turboblaze Description Its head sports an altered form of whiskers made of metal. When in communication with its comrades, its whiskers wobble to and fro. Height 3.6 m (11'10") Weight 325 kg (716.5 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 315 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 125 0 Attack 120 0 Defense 90 0 Sp. Attack 170 3 Sp. Defense 100 0 Speed 95 0 BST 700 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Kyurem Evolution Chain Target Method   Kyurem (White) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Icy Wind 1 Dragon Rage 8 Imprison 15 Ancient Power 22 Ice Beam 29 Dragon Breath 36 Slash 43 Fusion Flare 50 Ice Burn 57 Dragon Pulse 64 Imprison 71 Endeavor 78 Blizzard 85 Outrage 92 Hyper Voice Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Roost Safeguard Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Focus Blast Fling Brutal Swing Shadow Claw Payback Giga Impact Stone Edge Fly Rock Slide Dragon Tail Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Meloetta (Pirouette) Category N/A Types Ability Serene Grace Description It creates drops of ice in its coat and showers them over its enemies. Anyone who angers it will be frozen stiff in an instant. Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Held Item 1 Star Piece (50%) Held Item 2 Star Piece (5%) Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 100 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color White Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 100 0 Attack 128 1 Defense 90 1 Sp. Attack 77 0 Sp. Defense 77 0 Speed 128 1 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Meloetta Evolution Chain Target Method   Meloetta (Pirouette) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Round 1 Quick Attack 1 Confusion 1 Sing 6 Quick Attack 11 Confusion 16 Sing 21 Teeter Dance 26 Acrobatics 31 Psybeam 36 Echoed Voice 43 U-turn 50 Wake-Up Slap 57 Psychic 64 Hyper Voice 71 Role Play 78 Close Combat 85 Perish Song Moves (TM) Move Work Up Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Facade Rest Low Sweep Round Echoed Voice Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Charge Beam Acrobatics Embargo Shadow Claw Payback Giga Impact Stone Edge Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Trick Room Dazzling Gleam Confide
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Darmanitan (Zen) Category N/A Types Ability Sheer Force Hidden Ability Zen Mode Description It exhales air colder than -58 degrees Fahrenheit. Elderly people in Alola call this Pokémon by an older name—Keokeo. Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 92.9 kg (204.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 189 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 105 0 Attack 30 0 Defense 105 0 Sp. Attack 140 2 Sp. Defense 105 0 Speed 55 0 BST 540 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Darmanitan Evolution Chain Target Method   Darmanitan (Zen) Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Hammer Arm 1 Hammer Arm 1 Tackle 1 Rollout 1 Incinerate 1 Rage 3 Rollout 6 Incinerate 9 Rage 11 Fire Fang 14 Headbutt 17 Swagger 19 Facade 22 Fire Punch 25 Work Up 27 Thrash 30 Belly Drum 33 Flare Blitz 39 Taunt 47 Superpower 54 Overheat Moves (TM) Move Work Up Roar Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Earthquake Return Psychic Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Fire Blast Rock Tomb Torment Facade Flame Charge Rest Attract Thief Round Overheat Focus Blast Fling Will-O-Wisp Payback Giga Impact Stone Edge Gyro Ball Bulldoze Rock Slide Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Basculin (Blue) Category N/A Type Abilities Rock Head Adaptability Hidden Ability Mold Breaker Description Fleeing a volcanic eruption, it settled on a snowy mountain. As it races through the snowfields, it sends up a spray of snow. Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 18 kg (39.7 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Water 2 Details Catch Rate 25 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Deep Sea Scale (5%) Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 161 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 92 0 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 80 0 Sp. Defense 55 0 Speed 98 2 BST 460 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Basculin Evolution Chain Target Method   Basculin (Blue) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tail Whip 1 Tackle 1 Water Gun 3 Uproar 5 Headbutt 7 Bite 9 Aqua Jet 11 Chip Away 14 Take Down 17 Crunch 20 Aqua Tail 23 Soak 26 Double-Edge 30 Scary Face 34 Flail 38 Final Gambit 42 Thrash 46 Head Smash Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Taunt Ice Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Counter (Requires chain breeding) Mirror Coat (Requires chain breeding)   Stockpile     Swallow   Spit Up     Yawn   Memento (Requires chain breeding) Curse (Requires chain breeding)     Amnesia               Fissure         Trump Card (Requires chain breeding) Sludge (Requires chain breeding) Clear Smog (Requires chain breeding)     Brine                               Mist             Acid Armor (Requires chain breeding)
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Gastrodon (East) Category N/A Types Abilities Sticky Hold Storm Drain Hidden Ability Sand Force Description It lives on snowy mountains. Its steel shell is very hard—so much so, it can’t roll its body up into a ball. Height 0.9 m (2'11") Weight 29.9 kg (65.9 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Water 1 Amorphous Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 166 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 111 2 Attack 83 0 Defense 68 0 Sp. Attack 92 0 Sp. Defense 82 0 Speed 39 0 BST 475 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x4 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Gastrodon Evolution Chain Target Method   Gastrodon (East) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Mud-Slap 1 Mud Sport 1 Harden 1 Water Pulse 2 Mud Sport 4 Harden 7 Water Pulse 11 Mud Bomb 16 Hidden Power 22 Rain Dance 29 Body Slam 41 Muddy Water 54 Recover Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Giga Impact Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Shellos (East) Category N/A Type Abilities Sticky Hold Storm Drain Hidden Ability Sand Force Description It only evolves to this form in the Alola region. According to researchers, its diet is one of the causes of this change. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 6.3 kg (13.9 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Water 1 Amorphous Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 65 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 76 1 Attack 48 0 Defense 48 0 Sp. Attack 57 0 Sp. Defense 62 0 Speed 34 0 BST 325 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Shellos Evolution Chain Target Method   Shellos (East)   Gastrodon Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Mud-Slap 2 Mud Sport 4 Harden 7 Water Pulse 11 Mud Bomb 16 Hidden Power 22 Rain Dance 29 Body Slam 37 Muddy Water 46 Recover Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Confide
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Cherrim (Sunshine) Category N/A Type Ability Flower Gift Description This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner. Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 9.3 kg (20.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Fairy Grass Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Miracle Seed (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 158 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 60 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 87 2 Sp. Defense 78 0 Speed 85 0 BST 450 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Cherrim Evolution Chain Target Method   Cherrim (Sunshine) Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Petal Dance 1 Petal Dance 1 Morning Sun 1 Tackle 1 Growth 1 Leech Seed 7 Growth 10 Leech Seed 13 Helping Hand 19 Magical Leaf 22 Sunny Day 30 Worry Seed 35 Take Down 43 Solar Beam 48 Lucky Chant 50 Petal Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Energy Ball Giga Impact Swords Dance Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Dazzling Gleam Confide
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Castform (Snowy) Category N/A Type Ability Forecast Description This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.8 kg (1.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Fairy Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Mystic Water (50%) Held Item 2 Mystic Water (5%) Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color White Base Exp 147 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 1 Attack 70 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 70 0 BST 420 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Castform Evolution Chain Target Method   Castform (Snowy) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 10 Water Gun 10 Ember 10 Powder Snow 15 Headbutt 20 Rain Dance 20 Sunny Day 20 Hail 25 Weather Ball 35 Hydro Pump 35 Fire Blast 35 Blizzard 45 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Scald Thunder Wave Psych Up Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Future Sight                                   Lucky Chant                                               Disable                                                                         Amnesia                                           Ominous Wind                                                 Hex                                                             Clear Smog                                   Reflect Type (Requires chain breeding)               Guard Swap (Requires chain breeding)             Cosmic Power              
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Castform (Rainy) Category N/A Type Ability Forecast Description This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.8 kg (1.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Fairy Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Mystic Water (50%) Held Item 2 Mystic Water (5%) Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 147 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 1 Attack 70 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 70 0 BST 420 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Castform Evolution Chain Target Method   Castform (Rainy) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 10 Water Gun 10 Ember 10 Powder Snow 15 Headbutt 20 Rain Dance 20 Sunny Day 20 Hail 25 Weather Ball 35 Hydro Pump 35 Fire Blast 35 Blizzard 45 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Scald Thunder Wave Psych Up Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Future Sight                                   Lucky Chant                                               Disable                                                                         Amnesia                                           Ominous Wind                                                 Hex                                                             Clear Smog                                   Reflect Type (Requires chain breeding)               Guard Swap (Requires chain breeding)             Cosmic Power              
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Castform (Sunny) Category N/A Type Ability Forecast Description This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.8 kg (1.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Fairy Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Mystic Water (50%) Held Item 2 Mystic Water (5%) Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 147 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 1 Attack 70 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 70 0 BST 420 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Castform Evolution Chain Target Method   Castform (Sunny) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 10 Water Gun 10 Ember 10 Powder Snow 15 Headbutt 20 Rain Dance 20 Sunny Day 20 Hail 25 Weather Ball 35 Hydro Pump 35 Fire Blast 35 Blizzard 45 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Scald Thunder Wave Psych Up Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Future Sight                                   Lucky Chant                                               Disable                                                                         Amnesia                                           Ominous Wind                                                 Hex                                                             Clear Smog                                   Reflect Type (Requires chain breeding)               Guard Swap (Requires chain breeding)             Cosmic Power              
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rotom (Mow) Category N/A Types Ability Levitate Description This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 6 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 182 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 107 0 Sp. Attack 105 1 Sp. Defense 107 0 Speed 86 1 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Rotom Evolution Chain Target Method   Rotom (Mow) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Discharge 1 Charge 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Thunder Wave 1 Thunder Shock 1 Confuse Ray 8 Uproar 15 Double Team 22 Shock Wave 29 Ominous Wind 36 Substitute 43 Electro Ball 50 Hex 57 Charge 64 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Volt Switch Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rotom (Fan) Category N/A Types Ability Levitate Description This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 6 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 182 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 107 0 Sp. Attack 105 1 Sp. Defense 107 0 Speed 86 1 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Rotom Evolution Chain Target Method   Rotom (Fan) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Discharge 1 Charge 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Thunder Wave 1 Thunder Shock 1 Confuse Ray 8 Uproar 15 Double Team 22 Shock Wave 29 Ominous Wind 36 Substitute 43 Electro Ball 50 Hex 57 Charge 64 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Volt Switch Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rotom (Frost) Category N/A Types Ability Levitate Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 6 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 182 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 107 0 Sp. Attack 105 1 Sp. Defense 107 0 Speed 86 1 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x0.5 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Rotom Evolution Chain Target Method   Rotom (Frost) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Discharge 1 Charge 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Thunder Wave 1 Thunder Shock 1 Confuse Ray 8 Uproar 15 Double Team 22 Shock Wave 29 Ominous Wind 36 Substitute 43 Electro Ball 50 Hex 57 Charge 64 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Volt Switch Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rotom (Wash) Category N/A Types Ability Levitate Description It forms a group of Rattata, which it assumes command of. Each group has its own territory, and disputes over food happen often. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 6 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 182 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 107 0 Sp. Attack 105 1 Sp. Defense 107 0 Speed 86 1 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.25 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Rotom Evolution Chain Target Method   Rotom (Wash) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Discharge 1 Charge 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Thunder Wave 1 Thunder Shock 1 Confuse Ray 8 Uproar 15 Double Team 22 Shock Wave 29 Ominous Wind 36 Substitute 43 Electro Ball 50 Hex 57 Charge 64 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Volt Switch Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rotom (Heat) Category N/A Types Ability Levitate Description With its incisors, it gnaws through doors and infiltrates people’s homes. Then, with a twitch of its whiskers, it steals whatever food it finds. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 6 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 182 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 107 0 Sp. Attack 105 1 Sp. Defense 107 0 Speed 86 1 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x4 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.25 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Rotom Evolution Chain Target Method   Rotom (Heat) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Discharge 1 Charge 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Thunder Wave 1 Thunder Shock 1 Confuse Ray 8 Uproar 15 Double Team 22 Shock Wave 29 Ominous Wind 36 Substitute 43 Electro Ball 50 Hex 57 Charge 64 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Volt Switch Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Giratina (Origin) Category N/A Types Ability Levitate Height 6.9 m (22'8") Weight 650 kg (1433.0 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 306 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 150 3 Attack 120 0 Defense 100 0 Sp. Attack 120 0 Sp. Defense 100 0 Speed 90 0 BST 680 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x2 x2 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Giratina Evolution Chain Target Method   Giratina (Origin) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Dragon Breath 1 Scary Face 6 Ominous Wind 10 Ancient Power 15 Slash 19 Shadow Sneak 24 Destiny Bond 28 Dragon Claw 33 Earth Power 37 Aura Sphere 42 Shadow Claw 46 Shadow Force 50 Hex Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Aerial Ace Facade Rest Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Energy Ball Charge Beam Brutal Swing Will-O-Wisp Shadow Claw Payback Giga Impact Stone Edge Thunder Wave Fly Psych Up Bulldoze Dragon Tail Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Shaymin (Sky) Category N/A Types Ability Serene Grace Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Held Item 1 Lum Berry (50%) Held Item 2 Lum Berry (5%) Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 100 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 100 0 Attack 103 0 Defense 75 0 Sp. Attack 120 0 Sp. Defense 75 0 Speed 127 3 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x0 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Shaymin Evolution Chain Target Method   Shaymin (Sky) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growth 10 Magical Leaf 19 Leech Seed 28 Quick Attack 37 Sweet Scent 46 Natural Gift 55 Worry Seed 64 Air Slash 73 Energy Ball 82 Sweet Kiss 91 Leaf Storm 100 Seed Flare Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Psychic Double Team Facade Rest Round Energy Ball Giga Impact Swords Dance Psych Up Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Dazzling Gleam Confide
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Wormadam (Trash) Category N/A Types Ability Anticipation Hidden Ability Overcoat Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.) Gender All Female Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Silver Powder (5%) Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 148 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 69 0 Defense 95 1 Sp. Attack 69 0 Sp. Defense 95 1 Speed 36 0 BST 424 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x4 x1 x0.25 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Wormadam Evolution Chain Target Method   Wormadam (Trash) Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Quiver Dance 1 Quiver Dance 1 Metal Burst 1 Sucker Punch 1 Tackle 1 Protect 1 Bug Bite 10 Protect 15 Bug Bite 20 Hidden Power 23 Confusion 26 Mirror Shot 29 Metal Sound 32 Psybeam 35 Captivate 38 Flail 41 Attract 44 Psychic 47 Iron Head 50 Bug Buzz Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Giga Impact Gyro Ball Psych Up Infestation Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Confide
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Wormadam (Sandy) Category N/A Types Ability Anticipation Hidden Ability Overcoat Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.) Gender All Female Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Silver Powder (5%) Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 148 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 79 0 Defense 105 2 Sp. Attack 59 0 Sp. Defense 85 0 Speed 36 0 BST 424 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x0 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Wormadam Evolution Chain Target Method   Wormadam (Sandy) Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Quiver Dance 1 Quiver Dance 1 Sucker Punch 1 Tackle 1 Protect 1 Bug Bite 10 Protect 15 Bug Bite 20 Hidden Power 23 Confusion 26 Rock Blast 29 Harden 32 Psybeam 35 Captivate 38 Flail 41 Attract 44 Psychic 47 Fissure 50 Bug Buzz Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Giga Impact Psych Up Bulldoze Infestation Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Deoxys (Speed) Category N/A Type Ability Pressure Height 1.7 m (5'7") Weight 60.8 kg (134.0 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 95 0 Defense 90 0 Sp. Attack 95 0 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 180 3 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Deoxys Evolution Chain Target Method   Deoxys (Speed) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Leer 1 Wrap 7 Night Shade 13 Double Team 19 Knock Off 25 Pursuit 31 Psychic 37 Swift 43 Psycho Shift 49 Zen Headbutt 55 Agility 61 Recover 67 Psycho Boost 73 Extreme Speed Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Ice Beam Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Reflect Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Low Sweep Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Charge Beam Brutal Swing Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Rock Slide Poison Jab Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Trick Room Dark Pulse Confide
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