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Posts posted by nonothebean

  1. 15 hours ago, Shape Twitty said:

    I too had this issue. It seems there may be a few issues with the v2.2 679 build download for Rutile Ruby (for one, I had to manually modify the link to get the right address). Corruption44 had reported above that he had issues with the pokemart and suggested replacing the code.bin. However, I was able to get the proper behavior from the pokemart in the uploaded build and received honey before I fought May. However, I used a similar approach that corruption44 used to fix the encounter tables, as it seems that the code responsible for modifying the grass was not included in the provided v2.2 build. Instead, it just has the Legit Build, or non-modified, encounter tables. You can add in the 679 modified encounter tables by replacing some of the files from a previous version.

    1. Obtain a previous version of the CFW "Compile Your Own" installation. OP posted a reddit thread that contains some older DL links here: https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/4m7chs/pokémon_rutile_ruby_and_star_sapphire_20_oras/
    2. Extract the zip file and navigate to .../Encounter Type/679 Build/
    3. Copy the file "a"

    4. Navigate on your SD card to /luma/titles/000400000011c400/romfs

    5. paste the previously copied "a" file and overwrite existing files.

    And that should do it! I was able to find a Larvitar in Rusturf Tunnel after doing this file modification. I can't guarantee that this is a 100% fix, and I would advise looking out for when OP reposts the 679 build.


    I had to manually edit the download link too.

    I did what you suggested and managed to make it work! Thank you so much for your advice, i really hadn't thought about using a former file.

    P.S: the exact file to replace is the file "3" in .../Encounter Type/679 Build/a/0/1, and it should be put in /luma/titles/000400000011c400/romfs/a/0/1/

  2. On 14/05/2017 at 11:19 AM, Gymbro Jones said:

    I've just started the latest version of Rutile Ruby 679 and in Rusturf Tunnel nothing is appearing except for Whismur, however all other routes so far have the Pokemon mentioned in the encounter list. Is this meant to happen? I'm trying to get Larvitar before Roxanne.

    I have exactly the same problem. Spent half an hour last night trying to get Larvitar, but only saw Whismur (dozens of them). It is normal? Do I need the first badge first?

    By the way congrats on your awesome work, that RomHack has been great so far!

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