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Everything posted by LadyoftheOshawotts

  1. Thanks! Got it going now to trade everything. Thank you!
  2. Is there a list of places with one somewhere?
  3. Hello! I have some favorite pokemon on my team I could use a little help editing. Mostly I just want the ball that caught them changed to a moon ball, and maybe holding one each so I have some additional ones, but a few also need some other edits. I'm not sure how to get them from the switch lite I have to the computer and back again, so trading and trading back would likely be easiest to me. I'd really appreciate any help I could get on the matter.
  4. Thank you! Request has been fulfilled.
  5. Edited with the Pokemon. Could someone send them to me?
  6. Realized after I finally got back to a computer some of the ones I wanted weren't possible. Also created the files for myself, can someone trade me these? Friend Code 4785-5235-5700, in game name Jordan 058 - Caninos - 56210B1F92A7.pk7 077 - Ponyta - F9B10B1F92A7.pk7 116 - Hypotrempe - D8070B1F92A7.pk7 129 - Magicarpe - DF720B1F92A7.pk7 132 - Métamorph - 8A010B1F92A7.pk7 133 - Évoli - 089D0B1F92A7.pk7 133 - Évoli - 20820B1F92A7.pk7 133 - Évoli - D8E30B1F92A7.pk7 133 ★ - Évoli - 7F1D0B1F92A7.pk7 133 ★ - Évoli - 60D40B1F92A7.pk7 133 ★ - Évoli - 80410B1F92A7.pk7 147 ★ - Minidraco - 402A05CE2D68.pk7 152 - Germignon - FF830B1F92A7.pk7 155 - Héricendre - F6050B1F92A7.pk7 158 - Kaiminus - F56E0B1F92A7.pk7 179 - Wattouat - 23B90B1F92A7.pk7 216 - Teddiursa - 2F190B1F92A7.pk7 315 ★ - Rosélia - F9750B1F92A7.pk7 495 - Vipélierre - D98D0B1F92A7.pk7 498 - Gruikui - 120334AEAD61.pk7 501 - Moustillon - C9B32EA70F19.pk7 540 - Larveyette - 01F60B1F92A7.pk7 679 - Monorpale - ED580B1F92A7.pk7 759 - Nounourson - FF440B1F92A7.pk7 774-13 ★ - Météno - 9E920B1F92A7.pk7 774-13 ★ - Météno - BD75B857ECB9.pk7 775 - Dodoala - 19C10B1F92A7.pk7 791 - Solgaleo - 488B0B1F92A7.pk7 792 - Lunala - 5C0E0B1F92A7.pk7
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