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Posts posted by stylie25

  1. 1 hour ago, theSLAYER said:

    This is the formula that is used by the game, to determine if a Pokemon is Shiny.

    PID.High xor PID.Low xor TID xor SID < 16
    if the returning value is not 0-15, it will not be shiny.

    This gives an overall probability of 16/65536 or 1/4096 as standard odds.

    Shiny Charm: Basically reroll PID 2 extra times, if the generated PID isn't shiny.
    SOS chaining: Between encounter 70 to 255 (after 255, it rolls back to 0), game will reroll the PID a second and a third time.

    I'm not aware how Ultra Wormholes roll for standard Pokemon, but it appears for legendary and UBs, they are base odds.


    Thanks! All good with wormhole odds. I’ll just go with shiny chance= lots

  2. Hey peeps.

    Just wondering has there been a paste of the formula pokemon UM/USUM uses to determine shiny odds? Both for wild encounters and if possible, SOS chaining and ultra wormholes.


    I know a lot of people say what the odds are, eg: 1:4096 but am curious where the number actually comes from.



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