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About dwq

  • Birthday 03/21/1996

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  1. dwq

    A question about PKHeX

    All right. Thank you!
  2. Is it OK that dragging a gen4 pkm file to PKHeX(a gen6 sav file opened with it) so that gen4>gen5 and gen5>gen6 are not needed? (I've tried but, you know ,PKHeX doesn't have a legality judgement on pokemon before gen6. So i wonder)
  3. Thank you! I understand.
  4. The key problem is whether pokemon with apricorn ball can be traded to d/p/pt since i heard there seem to be no such data about apricorn ball in d/p/pt before. If those pokemon can be traded,what kind of ball it will be? If not, ladias with love ball and defog move is illegal.that's what i want to know most. ANYWAY, thanks for your reply!
  5. Is ladias with love baii and defog move legal? Or can ladias catched with apricorn ball in hg/ss transferred to d/p/pt so that it can learn defog?
  6. 406 ★ - Budew - 31F18A426D0B.pk7 666-16 - Vivillon - E06862FA0A2A.pk7 609 - Chandelure - FE7D886547E5.pk7 when made into pk7,chandelure's fullness becomes 0(also, become legal)
  7. 1. This pokemon is hatched by myself. All pokemon with 0 fullness and 0 enjoyment are judged legal. If not, they are judged illegal. Also,you can't change the number(always 0) even if you click the 'Save'. . 2.Dream ball for Budew seem to be legal. 3 This pokemon is transferred from OR via Pokemon Bank.( Spewpa evolves into Vivillon at Lv12) and as I just change the Level
  8. Those pokemon are transferred via official Pokemon Bank,but the residence is still null. Is it because official Pokemon Bank don't have this function? As is mentioned https://projectpokemon.org/forums/forums/topic/39961-all-pokemon-transferred-from-bank-default-as-illegal/#comment-209324
  9. In fact, I've tried before I asked. The problem is : before I click the △, it turns out like this after I click the △, it turns out like this I think it's legal,but i am just not certain about the △ with ! . So i want to make sure it's all right.
  10. Can I drag a wc6 file directly to a gen7 sav file via PKHeX?
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