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Posts posted by aGENGARappeared

  1. 36 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    People who live in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, which the event is meant for (Chinese New Year, also named Lunar New Year and Spring Festival),
    get it by going to shops for purchase or getting it from an online portal (that normally blocks IPs from different countries).

    Also, the event was uploaded early by Nintendo/Game Freak, ahead of release date,
    So those with the serial code can already receive it.

    The wonder card is meant to be single use, yet it uses Wonder card ID 0000, which isn't added to received list,
    hence why it can be received again, lol.


    Interesting.  So The .wc7 file I just injected to get my own event Magikarp isn't... "legit".  It needs to have a Chinese tag on it to be a legit event?  How can I create one that is 100% identical to the real event magikarp? 

  2. In my personal experience, I play VGC.  I use PkHex because I am married with a child and do not have the extra time to breed or money to buy multiple cartridges to catch extra Tapu's.  I create legit mons and I have no problem using them on battle spot.  However, I am very careful and do not ever use anything that does not say "Legal" on PkHeX (green checkmark). 

    In any case, I think you should wait until PkHeX receives an update to start injecting transfer mons, especially if you are not experienced with creating legal mons, because at the moment PkHeX can not tell you if any transfer Pokémon are legal or not.

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