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Posts posted by theassassin

  1. Do you mean like that?


    "I edited the team of the E4 champion.

    I gave him 5 Perma-Méga (+ his Metagross with its Mega Stone), all Level 100 and Max IV. So he have 5 PermaMéga + his Mega-Metagross.

    And my team is 6 Pokemon, AND EACH WILL MEGA EVOLVE.

    I can make 6 Mega Evolutions in the same battle.

    I lost, but this is because I want have the time to Mega evolve all my pokemon for show you 6 mega evolutions in the SAME battle.

    If I'm serious, I win easily, even vs the team I gave him.

    It's a gateway cheat (not mine, thanks MM), I tried it in NTR cheat plugin, it work too."

    Yes :)) It's exactly what i mean :) Look Awesome !!

    Could you please tell me how you can make 6 mega evolutions in the same battle?

    It's really awesome works :XD:

    I tried edit Steven's team with pk3ds and i gave him perma-mega :XD:

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