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Posts posted by chickenmatt5

  1. well i figured it would be more useful for the developers if it were to save logs of all the pokemon data such as moves and abilities etc (just a suggestion), also it doesn't matter what the file type is when most of the people using the program won't need the files, and one last thing, will this work in regular p2p trades? it would be more useful if it does, at least then we can check iv's and what not without trading away our pokemon.

    I have not looked into P2P packets, but as long as they have a pattern, I can add support for them.

    On another note, when using Wireshark to check for Wonder Trade packets, I only ever see the packet containing the Pokémon I'm receiving, not the one I'm sending. I'm assuming from this image that there would be 2 packets with length 989, one with the outgoing Pokémon and one with the incoming. Am I missing something?

  2. I would be willing to use it if you can also make it save a log file if possible and it checks for pokemon data constantly rather then just one at a time (if it doesn't already do that) but im sure it will be very helpful as well if it automatically dumps .pkx files that it finds.

    If it's running, it's checking for Wonder Trade-sized packets from a user-specified MAC address (your 3DS's). And it'll dump the encrypted data, not a .pkx, unless Bond697 would graciously allow me to distribute his decrypting program with it.

    What would you want it to be logging?

  3. I'm throwing together a Python script that picks out Pokémon data from packets and saves it as a .bin, would anyone be interested in using it? It'll also display some basic information about a .pkx file, similar to this format:


    It's by no means an editor, meant just to view info.

  4. Just for clarafication, is the OP's plan to create a massive collection of Mewtwos with values for attacks that are currently unoccupied, transfer all of them, and then see which previously unoccupied values suddenly turn into new/undiscovered moves in X and Y?

    Just out of curiosity is Infinite recursion or someone been working on a GTS program/script for the new generation I know it's probably gonna be a while before that happens if at all

    I am endeavoring to make progress on IR's work with his Python-based GTS manipulator, and with his permission I've uploaded an updated version

    I am endeavoring to make progress on IR's work with his Python-based GTS manipulator, and with his permission I've uploaded an updated version here: https://code.google.com/p/ir-gts-new/'>here

    . Unfortunately, he was not responsible for the majority of the crucial back-end work, someone else by the name of LordLandon wrote the code that essentially spoofed the GTS server. It may be worth checking up on him and whether he's interested in trying to figure his way around X and Y's GTS.

    I, too, tried sifting through packets that were sent to and from my 3DS during a GTS trade, but Nintendo has not been stingy with encryption.

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