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Posts posted by JonJon

  1. Is that translation using the last version of your rom? Cause if it is, I really want try it. I was also looking for a cool HG/SS to play and try to insert pokemons and edit them as well, it seems yours is one of the best here. Of course, if I edit something it will be for my own use and will not share here or anywhere else.

  2. Iv'e had this problem also. Sometimes it fixes itself if you make the first color in the palette the background color, but even still, you might get that error message.

    By the way, if your asking where to find the Pokemon sprites, they are in a/0/0/4

    Havent tried the first color palette thing.

    Thats not what I meant. I do know where the file is, but when I open it with Tile Molester, I cant find any image.

  3. Hey there! So, I've been searching for a sprite editor for HG/SS for a long time and I finally found Pokepic DS.

    But here comes the problem (that everyone is getting I think?): image is not 8bpp indexed.

    The image IS indexed in 8bpp 16 colors, but it always shows me that error! So, I tried to find the sprites via tilemolester, since I am already used to it, but couldnt find the images there. Does anyone have the adress for the images, mode and stuff? If Pokepic DS doesnt work I can easily use Tilemolester, just need to know where and how to find the location of the pics.

    Thanks in advance.

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