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Tao Dragon

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Posts posted by Tao Dragon

  1. Most of the time it's a check from the egg creation code, as a special case for the species ID.


    I see, this is as close as I've gotten. Now to find this data in Pokemon Emerald, usually, how would one go about finding the offset on where these codes are located? We have VBA - SDL - H. Would having a Nidoran(F) with me and handing it over the daycare lady or talking to the man outside enable you to view the code? Of course setting the break point for Nidoran (F). Also I need to hook in on a specific offset on Nidorina and Nidoqueen to implement that code for them. Is this the proper approach?

  2. This is my first post here on Project Pokemon. If I am posting in the incorrect section please correct me and point out where I can repost this thread.

    Does anybody know how exactly to make a pokemon able to breed its species and another?

    For example we have Illumise and Volbeat and Illumise can produce both Volbeats and more Illumises. Could the same mechanic behind this be implemented for a pokemon such as Nidorina or Nidoqueen? Since they can't breed entries for these two to have a chance to breed Nidoran (Males) were not included in the ROM unlike their pre evolved counterpart. So if you change their egg group from Can't Breed to Monster and Field they would only produce Nidoran (Females). Are there any tutorials or does anybody know how to this already? Because, I have searched far and wide and I can't find a single thing. Some threads do address this issue, but they all yield inconclusive results.

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