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Posts posted by MegaKBang


    On 20.2.2015 at 5:51 AM, Cybore said:

    For some reason my pk3ds does not display the correct ability for quite a few Pokemon on the trainer editor. For example, for Gyrados, the abilities displayed are any, parental bond (1), parental bond (2), and parental bond (h). Fortunately the right ability is selected despite the incorrect name; selecting parental bond 1 = intimidate. I was wondering if other people had this problem or there was something wrong with my setup.

    you need to install Microsoft Visual Studio und then open the .sln file. And ofter it finished loading you click on the gree arrow that says "star". Thats at least the way I use because I'm to dumb to compile it to en .exe^^

  2. Use pk3DS instead of the GARC tools in the first post.

    The only thing i found related to .GARC files i found was an option called "about Carg files" in pk3ds...but there was nothing useful for me:/ If you mean to use pk3ds to repack it back to a .romfs file... that was what I planned anyway^^ but what i want is to pack it back to the "1" file so that I can have randomized OW Models... Srry but my own stupidity and the lack of good tutorials for randomizing textures is the reason for this uestion. Oh yeah! Here is some extra info if that helps... : I dumped the rom via Gateway instead of braindump and I used a german AS rom for this procedure.

  3. I got this error when i tried packing all together to .garc file(OW-Models(0/2/1)) after i randomized the nu,bers in the filenames. Anyone knwos what i did wrong? All i did was unpacking with the GarcUnpacker, randomizing the files 000.bin-543.bin by hand(Note: I didn't change the dec_xxx.bin files because I heard these are only the animation of the models) and after that I tried packing it back to a .garc file. Also.... after the error occured GarcTool stopped at 50%... I appreciate any help ^^

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