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Posts posted by botanyaki

  1. Hi : )

    I'm new to this forum.

    Could you tell me How can I compile this code? I don't have any knowledge for programing.

    Help me. I really want to know how to compile this C# code. I modified the code for my convenience.

    Thank you for your help.

    ushort hl = 0x2598;
    ushort bc = 0x0F9A;
    byte a = 0x01;
    byte d = 0x00;
    while (true)
       a = savedata[hl];
       a = (byte)(a + d);
       d = a;
       byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(bc);
       a = temp[1];
       if ((a | temp[0]) == 0) break;
    a = d;
    a = (byte)(a ^ 0xFF);
    savedata[0x3594] = a;

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