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Posts posted by Thoto75

  1. rayquazachroma-620x264.jpg

    For fortunate peaple who can go at the "Paris Games Week", do not forget to go in the stand of Nintendo. An information coming from twitter indicates us that there will be a distribution of Rayquaza Shiny. It would be a question in priori of same Rayquaza of distributing in Germany or in Spain. The distribution would be locked from ROSA version. Maybe not, i don't have more information.

    Source : https://twitter.com/NintendoFrance/status/656756928551493632/photo/1

    Pour les chanceux se rendant à la Paris Games week, n'oubliez pas de passer par le stand de Nintendo. Une information provenant de son twitter nous indique qu'il y aura une distribution de Rayquaza Shiny. Il s'agirait à priori du même Rayquaza distribuer en Allemagne ou en Espagne. La distribution serait uniquement attribué au possesseur d'une version Pokemon ROSA. Je n'ai pas la confirmation de cette information.

    Source : https://twitter.com/NintendoFrance/status/656756928551493632/photo/1

  2. Hi everyone,

    my name is Thomas. I live in France, i'm French and i would like say sorry for my english xD. I have Pokemon Ruby omega. I'm interested by official event distribution. I have some event in my possesion

    - majaspic (Serperior) - POKEMON497

    - Rotiflam (Emboar) - POKEMON503

    - Clamiral (Samurott) - POKEMON500

    - Metang Shinny (Beldum event)

    - Meganium - From bank Pokemon

    - Typhlosion - From Bank Pokemon

    - Feraligatr - From bank Pokemon

    - ゲッコウガ (Greninja) - From random trade

    I search all French event in priority, but i'm interested by all other too ^^ Actually, i search code or .pkm to obtain Pikachu from PGL Pikachu's cup. I ready for help community, i have phkex and powersave.

    Thanks for reading my introduction.

    See you later ^^

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