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Posts posted by XJ9

  1. I recently updated my Firmware to the 10 and I can confirm the above that TubeHAX does in fact work right now. If you need, OperationiDroid I think his name is has a video for each, one for getting TubeHAX and one for using PKHex to inject Pokemon through this new method. If you're new to TubeHAX, the best advice I can give is when it says to select your present firmware to try both of them. I bought my 3DS earlier in the year back in like February or March so I thought it was "New" and it kept crashing. When I unintalled Youtube, set my DNS back to Auto Obtain so I could use the store (MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS!) then got it again I pressed 10 OLD and it worked fine. It does crash a bit though even with the right one, if it crashes for 30 minutes straight though, probably have the wrong firmware, that was my hint.

    Injection used the browser to "inject" Pokemon you made into your game, this basically is more superior since you're not injecting single Pokemon at a time. You actually have access to everything about your character, I changed a Pokeball into 99 Master Balls. You can even tamper with your current setup. You can also see your boxes and you can just paste a ton of a Pokemon. I made a box filled with Mewtwos by making the Mewtwo, right clicking slots in the box grid and hitting set. Then you save it, throw the SD card into your 3DS, boot up TubeHAX > Save Manager then IMPORT the save. Whereas injection was "Make this Pokemon. Place this file in SD card, open Browser and go here, check box one slot one."

    As for "Stance Concerning", a lot of Pokemon fans are torn between it. Some don't like it because they're under the misconception that people just make uber Pokemon with like 999 to all stats and illegal moves (Moves not available to that Pokemon). Other's hate it because it devalues trading, searching and actually training the Pokemon. Kind of like "What's the point in leveling my starter when I just inject it in at 100 and have no attachment to the Pokemon whatsoever?"

    Some agree with it because it gets rid of two major problems, one being the constant soft resetting if it isn't "perfect" in IVs or Nature, or not Shiny. The second and why I turned to injection in the first place, is that some Pokemon are not available to you anymore, or unavailable just because of version. For instance I quit Pokemon games after Ruby and Sapphire, still to this day have not played through any of the regions following that (Gonna buy X tonight when I get paid.) So when I was doing some research and saw Keldeo who had to have been the most adorable Pokemon I'd seen only to learn I COULD NOT get it through legitimate means or without trading someone my firstborn I learned of injection. For things like that, I fully support injection because I do not feel the game is about constant soft resetting if your Pokemon is not perfect nor is it exactly fair that if someone wants a Pokemon that is unobtainable anymore that they can't have it. I injected my Keldeo in at level 5 and raised it to 100 on my own, I didn't want perfection or some OP Pokemon, I wanted a Keldeo and I fairly did it. I feel the game is more about having many virtual pets of sorts that you constantly take care of, train and make better and stronger. Others may feel the game is only about getting 100s and battling endlessly. Not all injectors are cheating scum. Heck, quite often I throw out random Pokemon into the Mystery Trading, I know somewhere, someone is happy with it.

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