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About Switchie147

  • Birthday 11/29/1992
  1. Cool. Welp. Back into the box my X/Y 3DS goes. Thanks for the help guys.
  2. I'm at 9.4.0-12. Is there a way that I can get to the 20-22 with a game of some kind?
  3. Hopefully I can get some answers because I've been looking hard and asking around. I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything correctly, but whenever I run the "pcout" URL and have it crash and run the SD card on my computer, the "pcedit" folder doesn't exist. The folder is showing all files and I've done the deleting cookies/history as well as turning on my wireless when I'm in the bookmarks page. I'm running 9.4 firmware which apparently is supposed to work, but it doesn't give me a green nor a red screen when it crashes. I even tried the "ramsav" method and that still didn't work. If I'm doing something wrong, I can't figure out what it is.
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