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About WhiteOprah420666

  • Birthday 07/07/1995
  1. Just got the pokemon. Thank you so very much, RustInPeace, you are good people.
  2. Hey, I didn't mean to cancel the trade, but the pokemon you trading me is for someone else (in this thread http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46508-Team-Request ) EDIT: I should mention my IGN is Crow.
  3. FC: 3351 - 4064 - 9865 Hiya. This is my first request thread, so please point out any mistakes. I need a team generated and traded to my game. It would be appreciated if the pokemon generated were legal. Edit: if its a big hassle to generate a shiny (I'm not sure if shiny generation is similar to last generation or not), feel free to just use your TID/SID/Trainer name, I'm really not too picky about that. Thank you. Thank you in advance!
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