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Posts posted by Zeazevedo

  1. Good to know.

    As for the DS save game backup, I got that covered cause I have a Flashcart and EZ Flash 4, tested it on my extra Black and I can back up the saves no problem.

    I'll make a backup folder of all the games since nothing is altered, that way I'll ease my mind if the worst should happen.

    Thank you for the responses!

  2. It is good to know about the 3DS, cause If I am to backup the save file, that is exactly what I will use!

    But regarding the DS cases, I meant backup my retail carts using a flashcart app I've read about.

    So, at least safe for backing up 3DS ones, that's good, considering those have the biggest corruption problems.

    What about the Save file data itself, does it get altered in any way?

  3. Recently I was deleting and replaying my Extra Omega Ruby so I could get as many Celebis from the event as I could. Thing is, at one of the runs the save file got corrupted, even tho I did go to the home menu and finish the game app, wich I read is supposed to be the most safe way. This was the first time I lost a Pokémon Save file, and thank god it was right at the beggining.

    The thing is, I have a "flawless" save file within all my versions, from the Original Ruby to Omega Ruby (Sapphire, Pearl, etc included). By "flawless" I mean with complete dex, complete region explored (picked all items), all the trainer stars, etc.

    I worked really hard on these and made sure I kept it all Legit, and this corruption thing as got me worried.

    I looked around and I have the necessary hardware to do the backups (DS Lite + Flashcart for GBA and DS games, Homebrew Launcher on my 2DS for the 3DS games).

    So here's my question. Is it safe or do I risk loosing the saves on the process?

    Also, does this leave some kind of "mark" on the save files? The idea is to create a folder containing all the versions backup, but If the worst does happen and I lose a file, will inserting that file into the cart leave different data on it (considering I will not in any way edit these).

    Long story short, If I backup and than insert a save file (unedited/untouched) on a cartrige, will it be as it never got corrupted or backuped at all?

    Appreciate the help and apologies if I have posted this on the wrong board.

  4. Hello.

    First of all, I know a injected mon will never be Legit, but it might be Legal. I am acquainted with the terms.

    Here's the thing, I live in a place where (other than the Wi-Fi ones) I will never be able to get any kind of code distribution/Nintendo Zone distribution (when I found out about NBAhomepass It was to late to get Mew).

    I have been trying like crazy to get a EU/PAL Mew code, but I can't find anyone whiling to trade for what I have.

    So here's my question, If I find a way to inject a Mew event wondercard to my game, will the resulting mew be exactly like one generated from a code?

    What I mean is if that Mew will be the exact same, random PID and data, originating a Pokémon that is equal to the one originated legitly?

    I know it would be legal only, but honestly I am out of choices, and If it would be the exact same thing I'd like to have a Mew myself, but If the injected wondercard originates a Clone with the same data as the one used to dump the card, I'd rather not do it.

    There are still 3 more of these events and from the looks of it I might never get one code for those.

    Thank you for the help.

  5. Hello .

    Yesterday I tried xD RNG Manipulation, and I just could not get into it.

    Would it be possible to hex edit a xD save file to get a pkmn bred in pkmn emerald there?

    What I mean is, I would trade my bred pkmn into a xD post-game, and than try to edit a xD fresh save file (right after the salamence vs metagross fight) with that said pkmn. (as in, figure out the Hex location of eevee and replace it with the bred pkmn, does not have to be a replace, it can be add)

    Would something like this be possible?

    Or I'm I just day dreaming?

    Thank you in advance.

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