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Posts posted by ever17

  1. Hello all, i already complete 50% of it and want to post information about it here

    Like tittle say it would be hack for Alpha Sapphire!

    What special about it? Well, you would see all pokemon it it! Wait... No, it's not auto randomaized!

    All pokemons in their first form can be catched in wild, what's more? Pokemons that not have evolutions would be there too (Like legends, Mystic...)

    50% was about it compleate, now i would look on update and story part (or maybe i would not touch that)

    Oh, almost forgot... Pokemons that needs some stones for evolutions would have them (and mega stones too). Better try catch some pokemons many times, because they can have evolve stone and some times mega stone

    Want to look on ohara3ds and on models (but program not running on my pc...) Well, wait for it)

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