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About Codehack

  • Birthday 06/04/1994
  1. Hello guys. Recently my childhood memories reignited my Pokemon passion and I decided that I wanted to play the new games, particularly Omega Ruby (since Groudon was my favourite Gen III Pokemon). I saw that there was an exploit which allowed injecting Pokemon through QR code but I am not quite sure it will be working on the 2DS I will be getting since I cannot know the firmware it'll have pre-installed before purchasing. So my question is, is there any other way of sending pokemon to OR through other means? E.g trading from Desmume (I saw that there is a build with wifi capabilities but I cannot be sure it'll still be working since Nintendo dropped support for online services on Nintento DS). I want your input guys because it's $150 bucks, I want to be sure before purchasing. My other option is just wait for Citra to be able to boot it. Thank you guys!
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