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Posts posted by Incarnate

  1. Hey guys, I'm Incarnate, but you can call me Eric if you're so inclined.

    I've been a consistent AFKer in the PPorg IRC for several months now, but I with a recent thread that caught my attention I thought I'd make the jump onto the forums.

    Nowadays I mainly play Battlefield 4 with the guys over at Symthic.com, who do the game data for many popular FPS games including the Battlefield franchise. However my first game ever was Pokemon Red, and since then the Pokemon franchise has always held a special place in my heart. As such I've recently taken interest in the engineering of the games themselves, and have come here to better understand Pokemon, much like I went to Symthic to better understand Battlefield.

    I'm excited to be apart of the Project Pokemon Community, and I hope to learn a lot with my time here.

    See y'all around,


  2. I've actually been looking into this myself recently; it's funny you should make a post here around this same time. Colosseum is easily my favorite game, and I've been searching for a way to play though it with a twist.

    As far as I can tell, Shadowth117 is correct; there are no randomizers in existence for Colo/XD. What I have been able to find however is a

    So the groundwork for editing individual Pokemon is there, but implementation of doing so to every pokemon of every trainer with the game randomly is a large step in another direction. Although it would certainly be easier then a main-series game, as Colo has much less encounters and trainers then the standard game, from what I've read, one cannot simply apply something like the Universal Pokemon Randomizer to these games, as Genius Sonority apparently created the game's data slightly differently then Game Freak.

    Again, a randomizer is not impossible, but rather the tools and information known for the Colo/XD series have not been implemented towards that end goal. I personally would be more then happy to lead the development of said randomizer, but unfortunately I don't yet know all the technical know-how for the stuff behind the scenes. If anyone more knowledgeable would be willing to provide the already established data for the series and get me started in the right direction, I would be willing to pursue the creation of a randomizer.

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