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Posts posted by Gas

  1. I have both of those dll on the directory where the application but if you are going to change the libraries I will wait and see if that fixes it, thanks for answering.

    Edit: So after installing Rouge Legacy from steam I saw that it downloaded some updates to .net and decided to try running this again and it started working, so I was probably missing an specific update or something :tongue:

  2. I can't get the editor to load, I'm ruining windows 8.1 with .net framework 4.5. but it all ways fails at start up whit this message

    Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3

    Firma del problema 01: ANDT.exe

    Firma del problema 02:

    Firma del problema 03: 5420e177

    Firma del problema 04: System.Data.SQLite

    Firma del problema 05:

    Firma del problema 06: 532a0415

    Firma del problema 07: 124

    Firma del problema 08: 1d

    Firma del problema 09: System.DllNotFoundException

    Versión del sistema operativo: 6.3.9600.

    Id. de configuración regional: 3082

    Información adicional 1: 5861

    Información adicional 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2

    Información adicional 3: 31c4

    Información adicional 4: 31c4f0c30ca267a761c69930266146b1

    It looks that I'm missing a dll file? Does any one have any idea where I can get the missing one?

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