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Posts posted by Krizik

  1. I asked this quetion a week ago and had gotten no response. I asked "Can someone tell me how to update my 3DS to a specific firmware? I found my old 3ds which has 8.1.0-4U. Is it still possible for me to update to 9.0-9.5 someway?" I wanna be able to use PkHex. But it only works with firmware from 9.0-9.5. :(

  2. Being stupid, I updated my 3DS so I am no longer able to Pokegen the easy way. Having to use powersaves, I noticed that I can load a save for my game that I backed up ages ago. ( It had a bunch of old pokemon and I was only on the 3rd badge xD) Now being curious I noticed that I can look the save up on my computer and drag it onto Powersaves and it shows up as a back-up save that I can use. So is it possible if a person with a save file that has tons of competetive pokemon gave the file to me for me to use it as well? I pretty sure you could. Has anyone tested this? What was the result? I'm assuming it worked.

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