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About MikeMaster3123

  • Birthday 03/11/1996
  1. Oh I downloaded the wrong files. Thanks for the help
  2. @jariesuicune Sorry for any confusion so maybe this will be a little easier to understand. This is what my SD card looks like every time I try to get a .bin file in there, it just doesn't pop up. Is there something I may be forgetting? Am I only suppose to have the "rsavin.c.c" file in there? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at the moment.
  3. Hi. So I'm having trouble actually getting the injection debug onto my SD card. My system is at Ver. 9.5.0-22U. I've tried clearing my history, deleting cookies, and initializing data and nothing seems to put the injection debug in there. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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