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Posts posted by HedgehogCrazy27

  1. Hi, I am using a 2DS and playing Pokemon Omega Ruby. I was able to transfer my box into pkhex alright, but when I try using PCin to put my pokemon into my game, as soon as I load my PC and hit "organize boxes" my screen goes black and I get an error message telling me I need to do a reset. And my DS automatically resets itself. Did I do something wrong? I am running what I believe to be an updated version of pkhex, as it looks different then in the tutorial. If I hit the save box by the tool option, I can only do a box at a time. So instead, I used a different method found on another video, where you go into the SAV box instead and hit "Export SAV". Another thing I noticed is I do not have pcdata.bin. I have "savefile to pcdata.bat" and that's how I saved it into my game. I am not sure where to get pcdata.bin, as it did not come with the pcedit.zip I downloaded.

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