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About megazero1x1

  • Birthday 05/08/1990
  1. thank you for all you help I really appreciate it.
  2. Thank you favna , that answered a lot of questions. I really wanted to have something like 2 save profiles using ram2sav.(one for me and another for a friend, but I guess that's not possible) In the event that the save file on the cart gets corrupted, can ram2sav be used to put a previous backup data back into the cart ? (I'm guessing not , but I'm not sure) Thanks again
  3. Hi all I have a quick question Can I use this to SAFELY make a backup of my save file on my Pokemon AS (U) and also SAFELY restore the backup to the cart , Without losing online features of the game ? Because some people on this thread said that they lost online features of the game by simply using this tool. ( can someone pls confirm this ?) Thank you SciresM for this tool And thank you everyone for taking the Time to help me out.
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