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Posts posted by JinormusJ

  1. Hey so

    Pretty new to this

    Have been following it for about a week now and just getting my hands wet. Decided to join in on the discussion as there was just one thing I wanted to ask:

    So far, my injections have been successful; using the QR and the traditional method in this thread. Since I was trying to get a feel back from the PokeGen days and messing around with PkHex; my injectiondebug.bin was full of a lot of pokemon/edits that I didn't want: instead of just manually wiping the the SAV, I just deleted injectiondebug figuring I wouldn't need it anymore.

    Long story short is that I didn't write down my SID, so I went trough the process again and got a new injectiondebug.bin but this time I kept getting an error from PkHex that my .bin was not a traditional debug that was able to be read. After multiple attempts and errors, I ended up using the RAM2Sav method to dump my save as a backup on my PC and got my SID by reading my ramsave.bin

    My question is, since my injections have been working and I got my Save dumped and its readable in PkHex.. Will I be missing anything from not having a readable/correct injectiondebug.bin? Is it used for anything besides a sort of "read only" version of my save?

    Still fairly new to the 3DS functions so I'm just trying to understand how this all works

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