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About Cantavanda

  • Birthday 04/02/1999
  1. Hello, I used to be a hacker, I used a lot of Web Injections. I've stopped since it got patched. Recently, I've been developing interest in it again. So, does anyone know unpatched methods of hacking Pokémons into your game? Thanks! -Cantavanda
  2. Well, before your reply, I have taken a pcd file with a Japanese arceus event, and converted it with pokésav in a pkm file, and then iserted it in pokéhex, and then in my game, and it was legit. But thank you very much for your effort! :smile:
  3. Oh no, I have never hacked a gen 4 game. Any links to an up to date topic/thread how to do that? I have a cartridge of Diamond or SoulSilver. And I have pokeTransfer.
  4. I cannot read this files in Pokéhex. Does anyone know how I can put one of these files (Arceus Movie Event) in Pokéhex, to then RAMsave it into my game? Thanks!
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