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Sukeny (Chica)

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Posts posted by Sukeny (Chica)

  1. I have found out watching my pkm legitimate that (pkms of nds always usually has class correct to the ability).

    Those of gba when happening to nds, it depends:

    1-If pkm has two abilities that existed in gba will be correct the class with the ability . Whereas if one in nds is added to them, it will always have the ability that existed in gba in spite of class that it has (this with pkms without evolving) AND ONLY FOR EDITIONS R/S, FF/LG.

    2-Nevertheless, I have observed a peculiar thing. The Pkm of the Colosseum (Or those that they have as Unknown algorithm type as the PCNY) and has pkm two abilities that exist in gba, when passing them to nds will see that some agree class with the ability and other that no.

    This it is the case of my Rydon of the Coloseum xD, that when passing it to Platinum, has an ability that does not agree with his class (and that the two abilities of this pkm exist in gba).

    This verifies once again, that the Unknown type does not have algorithm some.

  2. Thanks for the program. ^^

    I have a doubt, ¿So that pkms exactly serves the sync?

    And so that it serves? ?

    If I have not understood bad, what does is to detect possible combinations of PID/IV that although they have correct algorithm, they are not legal not to leave in the game.

    Then so that he is legal, it must say valid, no?

    And if it does not say anything, that it happens?

  3. Then with the PC Tokyo (Bagon etc. ..) goes the same? And then you mean that all downloaded Bellsprout, an example, having the same PID and ivs?

    AH! and another thing, the Electabuzz festa, should not say Sinooh (Pearl) puts in the web where download Sinooh (Diamond)

    Entonces con los del PC Tokyo (bagon etc...) pasa igual?

    Y entonces quieres decir, que todos los bellsprout descargados, un ejemplo, tengan la misma PID e Ivs?

    AH! y otra cosa, el electabuzz festa, no debe decir Sinooh (Pearl) porque pone el de la pagina Sinooh (Diamond).

  4. The egg-born PKMS PokePark type of GBA should say Unknown.

    Because if they were given in egg (which is why it is your ID and EO are of you player) it is sensible to go diamond as type unknown GBA For every egg-born PKMS appear GBA unknown type. And with the wish pkm the same, as with the PC Japan Ralts, Pichu, etc. ..

    Los pkms nacidos de huevo del Pokepark no deben decir Unknown GBA type?

    Porque si lo dieron en huevo (por eso se queda con tu ID y EO al abrirse) lo lógico es que al pasarlo al diamante salga como Unknown GBA type.

    Porque todos los pkms nacidos de huevo del GBA aparecen Unknown type.

    No es así?

    Y con los de Wish igual, al igual que con los del PC Japon Ralts, Pichu etc...

  5. OK, is that sales on this website have random natures that the Pikacafeshttp://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Nintendo_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_in_2008.

    My Pikacafes have got the PID same that Saykou, the same value, I don't know if will be legits ande the tangrownt is brave.

    AND AS TO THE shix and ralts, you know the official SID?

    It's just that I have, to check them out. And thanks

    and something else that is out of place, if you know: The PID of the HGSS Suicune is self to face a he or she just being released from the burned tower?

  6. Hello, just wanted to know if Suicune to find the combat and with him is when you generate the PID (different for each soft reset) or to go and remains static at its release of the Burnt Tower. Thank you.

    Hola, simplemente quería saber si al encontrar al suicune y combatir con él es cuando se genera el PID (diferente para cada soft reset) o se elige y se queda estático al haberlo liberado de la torre quemada. Gracias.

  7. Then the club daisuki are hacks, but is that safe? O_O as to Pikacafés, I have a Tangrownt with this SID 61139, this one Electivire SID 2158, magmotar this SID 06457, it is assumed that are legal, no? Everything else is correct The only question I have is that if these also have a PID dynamic or static, just to know, thanks.

    Entonces los del daisuki club son hacks, pero está eso seguro? O_O

    Y en cuanto a los Pikacafés, tengo un Tangrownt con esta SID 61139, un electivire con esta SID 21589 y un magmotar con esta SID 06457, se supone q son legales, no? Todo lo demás está correcto.

    La única duda que tengo también es que si estos tienen una PID dinámica o estática, solo por saberlo, gracias.

  8. What are the correct forms Pikacafés DIM and several of the clubs Daisuki? And this is that I want to verify if they are legal or not. And incidentally, by the time I spend more, IF THEY ARE hacks for review. AS TO THE daisukis I mean the 2 Ralts, Shinx, blisseys cherubis garchomps, milotics, tangible and Heracross. Muxas gracias. And another question, it is assumed that these, by wondercard given, right?

    Cuales son las SIDs correctas de los Pikacafés y de varios de los Daisuki club?

    Es que tengo estos y quiero verificar si son legales o no.

    Y de paso, para cuando me pasen más, en caso de que sean hacks para revisarlos.

    En cuanto a los daisukis me refiero a los 2 ralts, shinx, blisseys, cherubis, garchomps, milotics, gibles y heracross.

    Muxas gracias.

    Y otra pregunta, se supone que estos, los dieron por wondercard, no?

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