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Posts posted by Glindir

  1. Here you go:

    Download v4.5 for Mac OS X

    Could you let me know whether that file opens, works correctly and displays all images? Thanks!

    When I download the mac version it tells me it's a PowerPC application, which hasn't been supported since Snow Leopard (4 years ago maybe?). Is this an error, or if not could it be reuploaded as an application that is able to be run on modern macs?

    EDIT: Also, I currently use the 4.2 version, and whenever I open a save file, and then save it, it completely messes up the pokedex, including number of pokemon as well as which pokemon I've seen/caught. Has that possibly been fixed since 4.2? For clarification, it occurs extremely often, I've only had it not do that a couple of times, and it can happen even if I don't edit anything, simply saving and closing immediately on start will do that.

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