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About Korith

  • Birthday 05/25/1989
  1. Alright did some more testing, I opened up my save file thing in PKHeX and basically tried to clone one of my legit pokemon that I caught. I didn't change anything, just saved it, dragged it into my SD then renamed it "Pokemon.exk" open up the game, check boxes, load the browser, go back in and its an egg. Like what? I am so confused lol
  2. So as I mentioned earlier, whoever posted their spanish Groudon that also worked for me, I tried going from that file, all I did was turn it to english, and made it from america and boom, I get an egg. I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong in PKHeX, but the two already made pokemon work for me every time perfectly, but as soon as I do something to them, even something very little I just get an egg. (I save them under All Files, drag them to my SD then change the name to pokemon.ekx)
  3. Appreciate the response, I fixed all of that and still am getting an egg. Any ideas? Is there a place where you can download the files and just change the moves/ev/iv?
  4. Thanks for the reply http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=59293733355452520822 Here is the file that I created.
  5. Hi, so I got your Hooper to work perfectly first try. Now whenever I try to make my own pokemon I get an egg. After skimming through the all the pages I have done all the tips, and I still can only get eggs. The only other pokemon I got to work was the person who posted the file of their groudon. I guess I am making the pokemons wrong? I understand that I need to find my Sid? How do I do this?
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