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Posts posted by doctorryno

  1. For those asking about batch injection: I put some ekx files together in one (open one in hexeditor and copy all bytes to another file) and my code.bin is doing the magic (I just modified 3 lines from SciresM code). Here is an example for you to try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4crafmojfr30n3z/ex.zip?dl=0 I took 10 files from the "smogon br pkmn files" thread and put them together. In the zip you have a "p.ekx" and a new "code.bin". With this you can inject 10 pokemons at once (I really don't know the limit. After testing I found out you can inject between 320 and 400 pkmn, but I don't know the exact number).

    How do you change the the 10 pokemon? Sorry I know next to nothing about code.

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