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About Monferno_AQW

  • Birthday 09/26/1993
  1. Question about making 'mons with permanent megas and primals: if I were to take them to the Hall of Fame or do contests with them, would they screw up my game? Neither Groudon nor Kyogre are in their primal forms when entered into the HoF; same with megas. Also, I know you can make some pokemon go mega when you participate in contests, but I don't know what would happen if they were in their mega evo pre-contest.
  2. Finally got it to work! I took the code.bin and pokemon.ekx out of the DCIM folder and it worked!
  3. I've been doing the same thing, but it's still not working for me. STILL also getting no injectiondebug.bin
  4. Made a profile just so I could post in this thread. I still can't get this to work, even after following all the steps. The webpage always comes up with "failed to load part of the page" and I never get an injectiondebug. I'm using a 3DS XL with v.9.4.0-21U if that helps.
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