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Posts posted by DemonKlyd

  1. Would mean it's the same Arceus as the non-shiny one. Same file. No trade in this case.

    I got scammed, that's pretty much it, nothing more to say I guess... And in case you're wondering, yes I paid a guy to get it in the first place. So I lost some money myself. I'll be filtering my sources more efficiently in the future. Still I should be getting my own serials from a friend living there in a few days. It can't go wrong when I redeem them myself then.

  2. To all the responses above this post.


    However, since you (DemonKlyd) seems to be doubting the legitimacy of your own Arceus (if all your Arceus came from trades),

    you may want to take it off ebay at the very least.

    (I think you claimed it to be official there or something)


    Precisely what I just did, it's gone until I get several serials in a few days from a friend living there. Sorry for the troubles. Will be contributing when it comes 100% from my serials.

  3. I would have liked it to be the first option, but it looks like it's most likely the second one. Here's how my japanese 3ds is set up: picture

    But basically, "accusations aside" as you say, I see you keep supposing stuff against me, and I would appreciate this stops. Quite ironical for a website having a passion for hacking 3DS devices and such. I'm getting tired of justifying myself just because I know I'm honest.

  4. Since it supposedly came from a japanese wondercard (that I was told), and because I got it from a trade on my japanese 3DS, would a picture of the said 3DS and the Arceus displayed on it help? There would be another pic of the back of the console with the japanese notes on it, which other regions don't have. Asking for pictures is silly though, since even a wondercard can be hacked I guess if you wanna go this way. But I would do anything to defend myself from accusations of stealing from this community that I respect. I've been trying to collect events since Emerald, so, telling me that I stole everything from this website really gets me mad. That's not a game I would want to play now.

  5. I downloaded this off a website found by googling "Space Center Deoxys pkm," second result. It was a Gen IV file, used the time capsule tool to inject it to my White 2 sav. Made it through Pokemon Bank.

    Thanks for your finding. On my side, the second result for such a search redirects me onto bulbapedia and Deoxys EX playing cards... Not quite the same thing huh? I'm gonna try your pkm file though and see if the pokébank accepts it as legit ;)

    Also, Soniktts, your .gpk files do interest me. What would you like for a trade?

    EDIT: RustInPeace the deoxys you found does not seem quite legit, just because it has "fateful encounter" checked, and in 3rd gen this did not exist. Or did I miss something?

    EDIT2: Well, it works! Passed the bank :) actually I sent 3 of them over onto it. One of them had its original trash bytes, but with OT modified, ever since its conversion through pk2pk kept renaming it with a minor "c" in PokeGen (that is, "SPACE c" instead of "SPACE C"). The second had modified/generic trash bytes of my own (FFFF/.../FFFF strand in gen 5 format), and the last one remained as it was, unmodified. The lattest I'm going to delete now because of this "SPACE c" anomaly. Mark that this problem would not be in PokeSav, that was specific to PokeGen.

    Thank you very much then RustInPeace:) I'm still looking for an original 3rd gen .gpk file though. Anyone?

  6. Hello everyone, lately I've been trying to get a legit Space Center Deoxys, but the pkm files I was able to find were either clearly hacked (event type not matching in LegalChecker for example), or, if it appeared legit, would not pass from black 2 onto the pokébank (because it would tell me that "some pokémon were problematic" blablabla...). The latter I tried to correct and modify to make it legal (mainly as far as trash bytes are concerned), but I couldn't help. But I read from the forum that some people have it.

    So, would anyone be able to provide me with a proper .pkm file? Or even trade it? I'm collecting events, and this one is really a hard one to find. Thank you so much already :)

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