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About romymunis

  • Birthday 01/16/1981
  1. As far as I post and described matches de SSid and trainer ot from Serebii Also from other communites I looked up (the folder has the pictures of the pokemon also) matches the same Ot, SSid and ID Anyway I upload the .pkmn meanwhile someone upload the Wondercard since I didn´t recieve it from WC. If you guys want to re check the better It matches the Serebii description, it matches also the nature, ribon and moveset from the oficial pokemon site.
  2. Hello Sharpedo from World championship I only got the .pk6 file, so sorry for not having the wondercard, I hope its ok since the nature its fixed, comes with the megastone too also the pictures are inside the link below. To be honest I won this in a ¨raffe¨ in a facebook group from an admin who went so I believe its legal since it matches Serebi description, anyways if you have questions just reply hope this contribute helps till the Wondercard is up, the link here https://www.mediafire.com/folder/2yz4c33r56qss/Sharpedo_PokemonWC_2015 Let me know if u can download Best regards
  3. Hello Shiny Rayquaza event level 70 Wondercard in spanish (American wi fi distribution) Also Malamar gamescon 2015 (its .pk6) A friend gave it to me he was there so thats why I don´t have the .WC6 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/hvpduzjhjjjsj/Pokemon_events_2015 Let me know if the folder its working
  4. Link working perfectly thanks
  5. I have the raykuaza too 2 upload so if its necesary aslo have the malamar but in .pkm to share Tomorrow ill upload
  6. I dont know what is happening to this particular poke but it cant be download. Now apears this instead to download like the other u posted 'E�i�n� �b�e�s�o�n�d�e�r�e�s� �Z�o�b�i�r�i�s�!�����������������������������z3+���������������������ÿ�w'��������� �ò[i�÷�.������������������������������Aœ2������ÿÿÿÿ�S�h�i�g�e�s�h�i�g�e�������2���(kî[i�÷�����������������������������������������
  7. the link of sabreye is broken error 404
  8. sorry guys I´m confused, wich is the zip with the right jirachi event? thanks
  9. Hi guys Im romina, nice too meet ya. first of all im newb and I know i never post but thanks to you guys I recover all my pokemons i lost in so many years for many many reassons that are not important to this threat, the only thing I wanted to say to all of you is THANK YOU for all what you´ll been doing to collaborate to post the pkmn events and wc6, it´s very important for us who don´t post much or ever, but you really save us. Well question, I know you all guys work (most do also have lifes and I get it) But please someone will post the wc6 wondercard to hoopa when its out please ? thanks very much indeed and greetings from Chile
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