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About Valraas

  • Birthday 05/04/1998
  1. Sky3ds is region locked and only has 10 roms max per card. So Gateway with its region spoofing and all is probably still your best bet.
  2. Anyone got PokéScrap Keldeo, Victini and Shaymin yet? I can make them as .pkx, but I would love to have the legitimate event Pokemon.
  3. shiny lock is dead, but so far i've seen no shiny groudon or kyogre just yet. If you're willing to try, have fun sitting through a 49s cutscene 500+ times. Edit; CONFIRMED
  4. Hoopa put them deep in his holes because he felt like it. Hahaaaa.....ha...... I'm a little bit disturbed.
  5. Confirming for you, they're not. If I'm right, none of them are. Though I doubt people will sit through those 39s cutscenes over and over and over for a shiny groudon or kyogre.
  6. For anyone who needs it, I've got the Shiny Beldum wondercard file.
  7. Tested. Works on GW 2.6 and latest EmuNAND (which hasnt updated in a while so thats not the problem) try re-editing the savefile, re-saving it and then loading it. A hint as well, after edits, just replace the ''main'' savefile in the folder it was created in. don't move it or make a new folder for the edited file, it won't work.
  8. that...that helps. but wait, then how do region specific wifi events work? He can like any other. There's no need for a mega stone, he can mega evolve anytime.
  9. EUR rom, that is. I haven't see any of those.
  10. That aside..now just to wait for the ROM.
  11. There is no Rayquazanite. Rayquaza doesn't need a Mega Stone to megavolve.
  12. I'm already genuinely damn excited that we can mess with Wondercards in ORAS already while the game comes out in my country in a week >: D
  13. Glad to hear your problem's fixed there, but I still don't get why all the .wc6 i export come up as empty when I reimport them...slightly odd. Is it because I've already received the Pokemon, or?
  14. You could send your savefile and I could try see if doing what you tried works with it for me?
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