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Posts posted by RockStrongo

  1. Yeah that's probably it, I don't know how to fix it other than restarting the game.

    I got too greedy. Lol

    Edit: is there any way to get around this without having to restart the game? :/

    My AR is older, there's no USB and on my US game, codes for teleporting or walking through walls don't work since no buttons can be pressed when it's on.

    This is not the case with all my other games though.

    Actually wait, I don't think I've used the warp or walk through walls codes properly on my AR. I don't think I've ever tried to convert the codes. I should try that first. I want to be able to get a living hoenn dex/gen 3 national dex up in addition to getting a shiny Johto starter in this save.

    But yeah if anyone can devise a code to let me back into the Devon corporation and return Briney that would be great, but not a deal breaker.

    Edit: I've found Briney he's in the tidal now, and it looks like there's no codes to get into Devon Corporation via warp. :/

    Also walking through walls wouldn't help me here I think.

  2. Would any use of the rebattle codes cause any random glitches? Because I do use said rebattle codes and for some reason u can no longer enter the Devon Corporation. The workers are again complaining of the Team Aqua theft even though I've done this part long ago and have beaten the game multiple times already. I found the same Devon guy walking around but he just gives me a repeat Ball. Also I can no longer find Mr. briney.

    I think Briney might not be related and I just don't know where to look but I don't know why I can't go in the Devon building anymore and I haven't redeemed my fossils yet. :/

    This is in Emerald, US version. My hypothesis is probably wrong about the rebattle codes as on my Japanese Emerald which I also rebattle with, I can access the Devon building just fine.

    Any ideas?

  3. Long time reader, first time poster, I recently got an old Japanese PAR, but unfortunately none of the codes posted work on any of my North American games. But codes using Ciro's Pokemon Maker do work, I don't have my pc on at the moment but my DS is. The working Master Code I got via Ciro's is the one starting with 78a0b2ae, so that is the third option (gsa). This in particular is for Emerald. I'm also looking for LeafGreen codes too, really only for the following:

    Emerald only

    Battle Points for Move Tutors

    Emerald and LG

    Either enabling the events (I can get the tickets in the games but without enabling the events they are merely cosmetic) or working warp codes.

    And a question on warp codes, do they affect the event pokemon when trying to bring up to Generation 6 eventually?

    So I'm looking for Southern Island, Birth Island and Navel Rock. Faraway Island is not something I need (I also own Japanese Emerald and any Mew obtained by me in this generation now I'd only like from the Japanese game because I'm silly like that), but a code for Faraway Island is something I don't mind either.

    Thanks in advance for being a great resource. :)

    Edit: or any working program that lets me convert the front page codes into GSA/ArV1 format.

    Edit: I figured everything out, it's time to party. :D

    Edit: is it possible for a code to redo/rebattle the roaming lati@s?

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