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Posts posted by ShadowFeathers

  1. In regards to pokehex... how would I make my chansey have the imposter ability.. it seems you can only use legit abilities. Iwant to say u have to change the hex values on the cyber gadget but I do not want to currupt my save data please help :(

    There is a way to do it without changing any hex data to do this you have to use Visual studio(I used the 2013 version) to open Pkhex's soure code, which can be downloaded here: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX(on the website download the zip file and then unzip it) Then press start after Visual studio has opened Pkhex and this starts up pkhex but this message should appear, Illegal mode active, please behave, press ok and pkhex should be running but the ability isn't limited to the legal abilities of the pokemon :) but I would recommend making the pokemon on the legal pkhex first then changing the ability with the illegal version because the illegal version sometimes freezes (In my experience)

    If you have questions just ask (Encase this explanation was unclear):)

  2. Can someone please help me? :confused: Every time I try to use CGSE it tells me to upgrade the firmware and then restart the application an remove the cartridge reader but when I do I just get the same message when I try to use it. Is the server down because I tried waiting a few days but nothing has happened :(

  3. I recently got CGSE and a Japanese copy of pokemon y but when I try to use it the following message appears:

    "cartridge reader not detected. please connect it via a usb port and start the program"

    are there any drivers that I need to detect it?

    Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place I'm new here

    Edit:I just looked up at the posts is the CD installation different to the download link?

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