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Posts posted by Malthael

  1. I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work. I unpacked my rom using DSBuff, decompressed the overlay using blz, and then made all my changes, but I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do after that. I tried compressing it and repacking, and the game starts fine, but it crashes whenever a battle starts. I've tried both White and White 2, and the same thing happens on both.

    Hello, have you solved this problem yet? I have same problem here. Whenever i make changes in the overlay using hex editor, encode it and repacked it again then play the game it will always crashed when the battle is about to start (i've just made few changes in the overlay: removing the resistance of steel from ghost & dark). But if i just deccode the overlay and encode it without making any changes then repacked it again, the battle would just start finely. I've used these tools to perform editing: DSBuff, blz and HxD. Can someone help me fix these problem please :)

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