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Posts posted by DainRage

  1. Tonight I'll compare two different B1 wondercard codes from that site so I can isolate the data for the wondercard itself.

    I have a B2 wondercard code that didnt work, so i'll compare the non-wondercard lines of the B1 code and the B2 code and see where the differences are.

    Since the code I have for B2 didnt work to begin with, would someone be willing to paste any US B2 wondercard code that works? If not, ill mess with the codes and see what I can figure out :)

  2. I recently stumbled onto a page with alot of wondercard AR Codes for Black/White and was wondering, would it be possible to manually convert the black ones to black 2?

    Between the 2 games im pretty sure the wondercard format itself didnt change, so wouldnt I just need to edit a line or 2 to make the code apply to black 2?

    This code requires you to press select in game, save, soft reset, then look in your card album. If there, press select after loading and the delivery guy will hand you the pokemon in game.

    I have no computer access, so I rely on shared codes. It would be a huge step if I found out how to convert wondercard codes by hand :)

  3. Wow, had alot going on x.x

    And what I meant was the dream radar checks the inserted game to see if it was flagged for recieving the pokemon, so technically you would just have to edit the game cart, reset the value on the game saying you have recieved the pokemon. It has to be a value on the cart itself, otherwise you could just reinstall the dream radar. You cant even get the pokemon from a friends dream radar on a different 3ds.

  4. Oh, true xD Damn, would be nice to back up my b2 save and reset, I got dream radar and transferred all the pokemon before I found out I was getting an AR, would be nice to back my save up, rese-.... Oh just realized I cant get them to my current game ;-; I wonder if there is a code to reset the dream radar flags on your game so you can reset dream radar and re-aquire all the HA legends again...

    But back on topic... Oh yeah forgot about resigning it, maybe someone will take the time to tinker with a cybergadget and release a guide to mod it to work, I mean it has to be just in the software, The game carts are the same, just different region and IDs. Technically all that would have to be done is modify the software to recognize the us game ID, unless for some reason the japanese game cart is made differently...

  5. Huh, thats pretty neat :) Basically a smaller code that can create another one xD (not counting all the empty values, the card code was like half the size xD)

    And yeah, those cart roms were awesome, but I understand why they arent used anymore x.x Though I could possibly see a program that runs like the fake gts in gen 5, or the old x/y program that could check a traded eggs contents, but instead spoofs a fake server that lets you generate your own serial codes for pkm or wonder card files to get them from your spoofed server :)

    Edit: Oh! and the groudon worked so far :D Was able to transfer it :) Now to max its IVs, give it some good EVs, and load it with tutor moves :D

  6. Yeah I was wondering how that would work xD i thought the card came attatched to the pokemon, so even if it did work, you would only get the card, since the larger chunk of data that makes up the pokemon isnt in the code xD Though I used to use a flash card and a modded distribution rom to get my events before my comp died, so I could be way off xD God now THAT felt legit, using the original event file injected into a distribution rom, just like nintendo does, then transferred locally to your other ds with your game :D I was able to host my own distribution events :D

  7. Ok thanks a ton :D And yeah, I did tons of research on that subject, worried about the (i think this was the name) Pid, wether changing nature/ivs caused any conflict, and from what ive read, it isnt enough of an inconsistancy for pokebank to catch, and so far Ive done it to tons of events, including the movie event dog trio who had set natures :) I could change them, transfer them, and trade them :D Now if I try and change their pokeball... now THAT gives off the red flag xD Or giving softboiled clefairy the dream ability tag xD

    Im not too concerned with legitimacy, just legality :) You are a lifesaver, I had one of these groudons promised as a b-day gift too xD I spoke before I googled though x.x

  8. Oh really? Thanks! :D And you dont need to worry about ivs/nature, I have codes for that :D

    Since i dont have a comp I literally have a code for almost everything pokegen does, I just cant add event ribbons, cant change met at level, and I cant change from met to hatched xP Thats what stopped me from getting wish chansey without help, couldnt change it to hatched at level 5, and while I changed the region it was from, I didnt have an origin modifier xD

    And yeah, I just happened to check in when you posted, was working on some 6iv 4 tutor move event legendaries for my collection xD

  9. All dem empty rows xD Just asking for academic reasons, is it possible to compress those empty values into 1 or 2 rows? Or do you just generate the codes, not create them? xD Im a numbers guy, I like to understand stuff :)

    Edit: Ok I tested the code, I press select+b outside the pokecenter, then enter, nothing happens. Ive tried holding select+b as I entered as well, flown to different pokecenters, hell I even held select B the entire time my game was booting up xD

    Ive triple checked the code, I have it down right x.x Are you sure its not some other button combo? Im not familiar with the FFF9000 in the first line xD though I usually see just select, start+select, r, l, and l+r xD

  10. Ive been doing alot of searching, and found there are no codes for the events released in Japan, Groudon for Black 2 and Kyogre for White 2.

    If anyone would be willing to help me out and generate a code for me I would be much appreciated :) I dont know much about them, but I have yet to stumble on a Unova Kyogre/Groudon, so they seem like a nice rarity to add to my collection :)

    I would do it myself, but I have no access to a tool that can create action replay codes, as I dont own a computer, only an android device x.x Unless there is an android pokegen tool that creates action replay codes :D

  11. Omg you are the BEST! Is there any form of reputation I can give you on here? :D

    Bout to test now :)

    Edit: It worked! and you answered an unasked question of mine, wether you had to have chansey as calm with natural cure xD

    Man wish there was a code for editing a pokemons game of origin, I have a slight understanding, I just need to pinpoint the right values xD Then i can create all the wish pokemon with just my action replay xD

  12. Well, i dont have PC access, so I am limited to action replay codes :/ I can edit the met at location to poketransfer and set its moves. I would be catching in heart gold at lvl 5, so when i get it in black 2 it will say it was transferred, and i can edit it to say the poketransfer part, and add the correct moves. Do you think that will pass, or is the Fr/Lg origin important?

  13. I dont know if anyone who works on this is still around, but I have a hopefully simple request.

    An AR code for black 2 for the wish chansey. I dont need any special edits or anything like that, it just has to make it through pokebank, and be from any gen prior to black/2 so i can teach it seismic toss with my move modifier code :)

    I know there are wish chansey pkm files floating around somewhere :)

  14. Or is there any way to create a passable one using a met at location editor code, move editor code, nature editor code, ect? Ive hatched a chansey in HG, transferred it to b/w, made it say hatched in r/s/e, and gave it the moves it would start with, with no luck. I know it hatched at level 5, is there any code i can use to make a chansey i caught at lvl 5 change to hatched, or make my eggs in heart gold hatch at level 5?

  15. Ok i know this is my first post, but lost my old account x.x

    Ive been searching for a good month or two for action replay codes for black 2 or heart gold that puts the event wish chansey in your box/party.

    I dont have access to a computer that can use pokegen to create my own, was wondering if anyone could give me a hand, I would die for a wish chansey in black 2 I can throw some IVs on and transfer to X/Y xD

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