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Posts posted by deebz

  1. Well... yes and no. I still get the root element error I was getting before. The error I currently get prevents the updated advanced editor from working and gives a similar error to the root element one, however when I clicked on the "use old advanced editor" box before going to the editor I got it to come up. That old editor menu works like it always did, and yes I mean the backup/restore saves pop up. My issue is sort of resolved, but the caveat is that it has to be the old advanced editor and not the updated one. The bottom line is that I can edit my save again.

  2. I have an update! I don't know if anyone else was experiencing the same issue I had, and even though I still see the error I was able to get it to work. When you see the cartridge in the "Game List" box check the "Use Old Advanced Mode" button and right click on the game and go to the "Advanced Editor Mode". It will actually load the editor screen where you change one value like before and click "Apply", then you can save a backup and load the "main" file in PKHeX. I did a small test with generating a new mon and it's on my game now. The key to getting it to work was using the old advanced mode. Hopefully I can save headaches for anyone else who experiences this.

  3. @jariesuicune,

    Yea, that's where the folder is. I tried moving the 3DSSaveBank folder and like you said if you save it just creates a new folder. I also checked permissions and it has full privileges to read and write. I'm pretty much stumped at this point. The errors I'm getting are .NET errors though, and that root element issue could possibly be an issue with some XML file, but I have no idea where to look. It's really frustrating since it was working fine and then one day just stopped.

    I don't know if this is notable or not because I don't know if it was possible before. If I plug my cartridge into the dongle and then insert the USB I can detect the "main" save file on the cartridge and open and edit it in PKHeX, but I can't export any of the changes without the Cyber gadget software. I'm trying everything I can think of to test regardless of how small it might seem.

    Also, to tag on to what Natsune said about Japan, I went there for a trip about 5 years ago and had the best vacation I've ever had. I highly recommend going if you can!

  4. I do have everything in that folder, however I have the CYBER Gadget folder saved in Program Files (x86) instead of Program Files. Don't know if that makes a difference. Where do you have the 3DSSaveBank folder saved? Mine is sitting in my Documents, and the settings on the app see it there, but something seems to be off about that folder considering I get the root element error when I click on the Save Bank in the splash screen. Here's where my files are:


  5. @Tacanacy: I'm not. I just know that as the driver isn't one officially recognized by Windows, it doesn't know where to obtain it without aid. If it installed, great, and it should work fine. If not, then obviously it won't work fine, if at all.

    For both of you... I'm afraid I can't really help much further. The only thing I can suggest is the one you appear to have already done: Completely remove the program and reinstall it from the beginning.

    Hm, there may be one other thing I'd recommend, if only for being sure of one thing. Do the full reinstall of the program, but do NOT apply the Mod version. Just test the actual original Japanese program fully up to date. If that works (including a simple code test, such as setting an item to x999), then there may be something we can work with. As it is, those errors aren't really giving much more info than "something is wrong" or "something seems to be missing", and I just can't do much with just that via text online.

    I tried running the original Japanese program without the mod, but it still doesn't work. The only other thing I can note is that when the splash screen loads and it shows the "Game List", "Save Bank" and other icons in the left side if I click on the "Save Bank" box I get that same root element error. None of the other boxes show this error, and I don't know if that's important (my guess is no). Not sure what else there is to do. I remember about 3 weeks ago I got the root element error when I did the advanced edit, but I hit continue and it actually went through and I could edit the save in PKHeX. From about 2 weeks ago it stopped going through and hasn't since.

  6. That works for images. ^_^

    Hm... that does seem to be at least similar if not the same problem as the others...

    As I don't run Win8, I can't test it myself... but that may be the issue, if it's either somehow installing wrong or incomplete. Or it may not be. Maybe it's one of those annoying newer-Windows issues...

    Are you the Admin User for the computer, and running everything involved here as an Admin, including the install process?

    I am an admin on my computer. What's weird about this whole thing is that I've had this working since I installed the software back in September of last year, but in the past two weeks it started doing this and just stopped working. I didn't make any changes other than applying updates from the zip file from this thread and since November (the last update) it's been working fine. I wish I had more info to give you, but that's really it. Like you said, this might be an issue with newer versions of windows. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of windows 7 to test with to see if it truly is the OS causing the issue.

  7. Yea, I'm still having the same issue. Please excuse my lack of knowledge on this issue and this forum. How do I put an image in a post?

    The Japanese editor is up to date, and I'm using the most recent English version from this thread. I followed the instructions in the first post where I downloaded the zip file, extracted it, and pasted the executable and dll files into the same folder that holds all the files from the Japanese install.

    I appreciate the help on this. Let me know how to properly put an image in my post and I'll try putting my error messages in here so you can actually see what I'm seeing.


  8. I'm using windows 8.1 for the OS.

    I can insert a game into the dongle and my computer detects it. I go to my start menu and run the 3DSSaveEditor_en app as an administrator and it pops open the update screen. I just hit ok and it detects the game and does the downloading screen with the green bar. It will load successfully, but before it opens the next screen I see this error:


    I can hit continue and it will go to that main page, but my game won't appear in the game list window. If I eject the dongle and plug it back in I get another error about that root element. If I hit continue the game will appear in the game list window. I've tried running the advanced mode and it does the screens where it reads the game cartridge, but then I get another error and can't go any further:


    I hit continue and then I close it out since I'm not really sure what else I can do.

  9. First off, I just want to say thanks for creating this software. It's awesome! Second, I have a question regarding the Battle Maison. I know PKHeX allows you to get the monuments and set whatever streak you want, but I was curious if it was at all possible to remove the restrictions on legendary and event pokemon allowed to enter? The last time I remember a code like that existing was in the gen 4 games through action replay. Thanks again!

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