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About Tronux

  • Birthday 02/06/1991
  1. Can't you use the same technique but make it open source? Thanks for answering.
  2. Done some research and apparently Codejunkies (from action replay) managed to apply cheats by changing the save file by using Powersaves. (uploads your save file, de-encrypts, apply's code, re-incrypts, and you download) Now making Pokegen a program that altered or generates code that alters the save file could be the solution for future editing. For instance, if I'd click on an event file from gen 6 it could give me the code that when entered in pokegen would alter my savefile. (basicly how action replay used to work) But I can imagine it might be pretty hard for extensive editing if there is no consistency in the code. And I can't find the actually code for the cheats Powersaves currently has to figure out a pattern. Pls let me know if its possible and if its a good method.
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