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Posts posted by random_trainer_13

  1. I'm a total novice at making codes at this point, but I'm trying to figure out "master code" for B2/W2 Wonder Cards. As was pointed out to me, everything after the tenth line in a Wonder Card AR Code is the Wonder Card itself, and will be identical across all languages and versions. It's the first ten lines that hold the key. If I can figure that out, I'll absolutely share it with you.

  2. Your code is 37 lines long. I'm going to reinstall PokéGen later today, grab my old files from my external harddrive, and see what I can do with it from there. Thank you so much!

    EDIT: Reinstalled PokéGen today, regenerated the code I needed for comparison. I forgot that the two goes I had previously [the used-card code and the actual Mystery Card code] were two different lengths, and the one I remembered as being 44 lines long is actually the used-card code. The Mystery Card code is 37 lines long as well. I've flagged the differences between your code for W and the code Pokégen provides for W2. I'm more-or-less gone this weekend so I can start poking it Sunday or Monday, but at least now I've got something to work on. At this point my next step is to find a whole bunch codes that I can compare B/W codes with their B2/W2 counterparts and see if the differences all match; or if they don't match, if they all obey the same principle.

  3. Sorry I'm slow to respond, I completely dismantled and wiped my computer clean this week. {It's an old laptop. It collected a lot of junk over the past few years, both in physical and digital terms ^_^}

    I definitely don't think PokéGen is useless here; on the contrary, it's their Japanese B2/W2 codes I plan to generate and then figure out how to convert. I don't yet have all of my data together again, but I recall that PokéGen gave me a 44-line code for that same Genesect [it's the one event I missed that I regret most and the thing that has me wanting to learn to develop this code myself].

    If you could, please share your B/W version of that code? I want to examine the differences between it and the Japanese version for B2/W2, and then the differences between any other standard B/W code with their B2/W2 counterparts. I'm hopeful that the conversion from one to the other is a simple formula I can figure out. If that, even; for all I know, it could just be some slight header information that needs to change.

  4. So I understand that PokeGen does not currently provide working Wonder Card AR Codes to non-Japanese copies of B2 and W2. There doesn't seem to be any progress happening on PokeGen version 4, so I'm wondering if other programs provide this function. If not, I'm wondering how difficult it would be to convert codes for Japanese B2/W2 to NTSC versions. If it's a relatively simple process, I'd like to learn how to do it myself. And by relatively simple I mean, if there's any connection between the codes whatsoever. I'm completely new to designing AR codes, but I have a background in number theory and I'm working on a degree in Mathematics... so my picture of "relatively simple" is a bit skewed ;)

  5. I too would like to know if anyone is still working towards PokéGen 4. I was exceptionally excited to see that I had not missed the opportunity to get certain events in B2/W2 after all, and hope I still can. I'm still working my way through the impressively-massive B2/W2 AR Code thread, so I apologize if the code exists there, but I can find no mention anywhere of whether or not PokéGen 4 is still in development.

    Kind regards,

    ~ RT13

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